Jove (Jesuíta Barbosa) finds it difficult to forget Juma (Alanis Guillen). In this Monday’s Pantanal chapter, the couple’s crisis will almost provoke tragedy. On the way to a farm in the south of the country to better understand a planting technique, Jove will drive at high speed and end up avoiding a fatal accident.
1 of 9 Jove (Jesuíta Barbosa) will lose control of the car — Photo: Globo
Jove (Jesuíta Barbosa) will lose control of the car Photo: Globo
2 of 9 Jove (Jesuíta Barbosa) will drive at high speed and think of Juma (Alanis Guillen) — Photo: Globo
Jove (Jesuíta Barbosa) will drive at high speed and think of Juma (Alanis Guillen) — Photo: Globo
3 of 9 Jove (Jesuíta Barbosa) will lose control of the car — Photo: Globo
Jove (Jesuíta Barbosa) will lose control of the car — Photo: Globo
While Jove drives the vehicle, the Velho do Rio (Osmar Prado) in the Tapera will realize that his grandson is trying to run away from his beloved and forget the romance.
4 of 9 Velho do Rio (Osmar Prado) will feel the movement — Photo: Globo
Old man from Rio (Osmar Prado) will feel the movement — Photo: Globo
5 of 9 Juma (Alanis Guillen) will be shocked by the visions — Photo: Globo
Juma (Alanis Guillen) will be shocked by the visions — Photo: Globo
When Jove hears Juma’s voice in his head, he completely loses control of the car.
6 of 9 Jove accelerates and reduces slow traffic… — Photo: Globo
Jove will accelerate and break slow traffic… — Photo: Globo
7 out of 9… and you’ll almost run over a truck — Photo: Globo
…and almost crashed into a truck — Photo: Globo
8 of 9 Jove (Jesuíta Barbosa) will stop the car at the side of the road and take a call — Photo: Globo
Jove (Jesuíta Barbosa) will stop the car at the side of the road and take a call — Photo: Globo
9 of 9 Matilde (Mareliz Rodrigues) lets you know on the phone that Miriam (Liza Del Dala) is waiting for him — Photo: Globo
Matilde (Mareliz Rodrigues) calls you to tell you that Miriam (Liza Del Dala) is waiting for him — Photo: Globo
Understand the crisis in the relationship between Juma and Jove
Understand the plot in 1 minute: The complicated relationship between Jove and Juma
See advice from Velho do Rio
‘Pantanal’: See Council of Velho do Rio
Don’t miss the news from the Pantanal!
🎧 Listen to the summary of the day:
🎧 Listen to the weekly soap opera roundup:
🎧 Silvero Pereira spoils Zaquieu and Alcides’ relationship and talks about gay peons from the Pantanal! Listen! 👇