modified price tags in supermarkets

“modified” price tags in supermarkets

For a few days now, new protest initiatives by Russians who are against the war have been running via Telegram. And the mobilization is getting more creative to escape the grip of the new regulations introduced in the Federation at the start of the socalled “special military operation” in Ukraine. Young Russians in particular are striving to avoid further censorship, oppression and imprisonment, and after the green ribbons, the display of black mourning clothes, the words “No to war” on coins and bills, here are the tags of “modified” prices, the apply on supermarket shelves or be offered for sale in clothing stores. The aim is to bring the pacifist message to as many people as possible in the Federation after the information is only provided by the state with the cessation of all independent newspapers. But in the Telegram chats we give do not give up and give instructions and show examples of “new” labels and barcodes that are to be printed. “Enter the supermarket with a mask, move between the shelves without attracting attention, make small purchases without using customer cards,” is the instruction , while the traditional “gatherings” of protest in the square are scheduled for April 2nd t are Moscow in St. Petersburg to continue to shout “Niet Voinye” (“No to the war”) and challenge the handcuffs