People are getting more and more inventive when it comes to saving the environment. Recently, hairdressers and their haircut clients can help clean seas, lakes and rivers. Hair has the special property of absorbing a lot of fat and is therefore ideal as a natural cleaning agent against dirt such as oil, gasoline and sunscreen residues. The Austrian Press Agency spoke with a young entrepreneur.
Until now, tons of leftover hair was discarded in the waste stream every year, as only a few hairs are suitable for wigs. Some people have wondered if you can use them for something useful and have the “hair filter” uncovered. The French association “Coiffeure Justes” (“fair hairdressers”) from the south of France has a role as a model ( who stuffs her hair into old nylon stockings, ties them into rolls, and then uses them as filters in polluted water. The capillary filter’s suction function draws oil out of the water, then it is cleaned and can be reused up to eight times. One pound of hair can filter up to eight pounds of oil from the water.
Hair filters are in use all over the world
These hair filters are used all over the world. In lakes and water bodies, in front of industrial areas and on coasts to filter oils, fuel residues and tanning oils from the water. In the summer of 2019, hair filters were also used in Mauritius when a freighter ran aground there and lost several thousand tons of oil.
A good initial idea became a company based in Bückeburg, Germany ( The initiative is currently establishing itself in Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and the Netherlands. Capillary filters can be used where gasoline or motor oil leaks, where motor boats dock and refuel, on bathing beaches and where there have been accidents on the water.
Little effort, big benefit
In Austria, some hair salons are already participating. One of them is SaloN04 in Josefstadt. Operator Sonja Krenn learned about the initiative through a TV show. “We always think about environmental protection in our company and avoiding waste is a big problem,” the 34-year-old businessman said in an interview with APA. The project fits perfectly with its corporate philosophy. She tries to work with the greatest environmental awareness and economy of resources possible and with “Hair Help the Oceans” “great benefits are achieved with little effort”. “Why waste resources when they can be used. Everyone can do their part to protect the environment,” says the young Viennese businesswoman, who opened her salon three years ago.
“Last week we were the first Viennese salon to participate. Others have already joined,” said Krenn. © (c) APA/PETJA MLADENOVA (PETJA MLADENOVA)
Hair used to end up in the residual waste, today it is collected in large bags and shipped to Germany. Krenn sends a bag with a volume of around 200 liters to Germany every six weeks. The initiative is very popular. “Last week we were the first Viennese salon to participate. Others have already joined,” said Krenn.