This is JLos exs health problem

This is JLo’s ex’s health problem

By Carola Ettegui March 31, 2022 @ 7:18pm

“I need your help”. With this message, former baseball player and company Alex Rodríguez explained a health issue that has been plaguing him for some time and that is preventing him from carrying out some of his daily activities. JLo’s ex-fiancé shared the video on his social media, where he also took some advice for followers.

“I can’t read my texts, I can’t read my email,” the celebrity said of the condition. Several suggestions came from his fans, who also identified with the problem of the former upper leagues.

“Be honest, the same thing happened to me. It sucks getting old,” wrote one follower. Other messages included, “It’s easy Alex, I just got myself glasses, I can’t stop getting old” and “The worst comes when you’re using your glasses to eat while you start making funny faces do.”

JLo’s ex-fiancé appeared to heed the advice on social media, appearing in a subsequent post sporting new glasses, a look that was praised. “You look amazing,” they wrote, while others recommended buying several to keep strategically around home and work in case you lose or forget them.

Ale Rodríguez and the Bronx diva split in early 2021 amid infidelity rumors. In the community shared by both, they indicated that the decision was amicable and friendly, and wished their families the greatest happiness.

“I’ve had amazing life and company for five years, and so have my daughters. Now we have an opportunity to follow that and move on and say, ‘You know what, we’re very grateful for the last five years, how can we improve the next ones thanks to the lessons learned?

He later added, “I’m in a great place. I’m very thankful for where God and the Light has truly placed me and I’m really looking forward to especially seeing my daughters thrive,” said Rodríguez, who has two daughters from a first marriage.