Arthur Aguiar lost his virginity at the age of 11

Arthur Aguiar lost his virginity at the age of 11: "I understood that it is correct"

Arthur Aguiar, actor

Arthur Aguiar, actor

Photo: @arthururaguiar

Arthur Aguiar, 33, revealed he lost his virginity to an older schoolmate at the age of 11. According to the champion of ‘BBB22‘, his early sex life was influenced by a friend who was 18 at the time.

“He was a guy who had a car, dated several women, went to different places, in short, I understood that that was the right thing to do,” he explained. Arthur Aguiarin an interview with Leo Dias.

The actor didn’t give many details about what the crime was like, but did explain that it was far more sexual in the past than is now understood.

“I think it’s part of the experiences, influences that we have. I’ve had relationships with a lot of people, but I’ve always been very discreet, I don’t usually even tell my friends, I’ve never been someone to share”.

Arthur then explained that his relentless pursuit of sex was actually an attempt to escape from a childhood trauma: lack of parental support.

He tried an artistic career from an early age, but was always discredited by his mother. As an adult, he attempted to venture back into art, but the initiative caused a family rupture. “My mother stopped talking to me,” he recalls.

corresponding actor, only after long therapy he managed to fix this problem. “It was an emptiness I had inside and nobody could solve it, not even Maira Cardi [esposa]. What I was able to solve was family support, which I didn’t have.