Ukraine Kyiv Russian aviation changes strategy

Ukraine, Kyiv: “Russian aviation changes strategy”

Change of strategy for Russian aviation. According to reports from the Kiev media, after the losses suffered in recent weeks, they would avoid a direct confrontation with the Ukrainian fighters and be careful not to get within range of the missile defense system.

Russian planes, on the other hand, would prefer to attack with missiles and bombs, causing more harm to civilians.

ODESSA Three Iskander missiles hit a location near Odessa. This was announced by Maksym Marchenko, head of the region’s military administration, indicating that they were launched from Crimea. “There are victims,” ​​he added, as reported by CNN.

MARIUPOL Mariupol “is completely destroyed, it lies in ruins. We are shocked, not because of the infrastructure, but because of the people,” Sergei Orlov, the city’s deputy mayor, told CNN. Russia, he adds, does not allow humanitarian aid in the city. The International Committee of the Red Cross announced it had postponed an attempt to evacuate civilians from the besieged Ukrainian city of Mariupol. According to Kyrylo Tymoshenko, deputy head of the President’s Office, 3,701 were evacuated from Mariupol today.