With a very transparent swimsuit Juliana Paes lifts her butt

With a very transparent swimsuit, Juliana Paes lifts her butt and the fans drool: “Gata” With you!

Juliana Paes courageously abuses sensuality when she appears with a very hollow gaze and puts on a defined body for the game

Wow! The actress Juliana Pas left followers shocked earlier this Tuesday night (16) as she shared a series of clicks wearing a very lowcut swimsuit and got the body to play.

In her profile on social networks, the muse published the images of a sensual test carried out in a swimming pool, surprising with the boldness. The swimsuit is not only hollow, but also full of transparency, which exposes almost the artist’s entire body.

The daring piece only covered the brunette’s most intimate parts, leaving visible her breasts, which were almost entirely exposed, negative stomach, thin waist. Powerfully she danced with a hard butt, which was noticeable in the thong model.

“Get on that carousel,” she wrote in the publication’s caption, in which she showed off stilltoned legs and let her crotch escape. In the comments, fans and friends took to the words praising the star’s beauty, leaving a flood of praise.

“Most beautiful muse”, “Perfection”, “Wonderful”, “What a monument” said some of them, who still used different symbols like hearts, bonfires, drooling faces, applause and others to show their affection and admiration for the actress.



Lately, Juliana Pas appeared in a devastating photo sequence. In a red bikini at Chapada dos Veadeiros, the famous actress posed, showing off her body and even taking off the piece’s top in one of the images, captured by photographer Leal Fortes.

“Paradise has a name and I’m in love! Vale da Lua is absurdly beautiful,” she wrote in the caption.