Beaten Brumotti in Los Angeles many attacks on the correspondent

Beaten Brumotti in Los Angeles: many attacks on the correspondent of Striscia, even in Sicily

Moments of fear for Vittorio Brumotti, for his girlfriend Annachiara Zoppas and two of their friends in Los Angeles, during a vacation. The conductor of Paperissima Sprint and the skilled biker of Striscia were robbed and beaten in broad daylight. “I’m here on vacation with Annachiara,” says Brumotti, “I was shooting videos on my bike on the Pacific, the main street of the coast, and in the distance I see two boys fighting. I decide to leave, to change direction, but shortly afterwards I notice that four people on their bikes are following me ».

Then he continues: “While I am trying to push away a friend of mine and Annachiara – Brumotti continues – they hit me on the head with the butt of a gun, they throw me on the ground, they fill me with kicks and punches , they put another gun in my mouth and take away my watch and backpack. Then they turn to Annachiara: I’m trying to respond. At this point they decide to flee, throwing away one of the guns which I then find. Fortunately, the police intervened in a short time with several patrols and even a helicopter. Annachiara is scared but it’s ok. Apparently they had been “tagging” me for some time: there were four black boys, around 20 years old. I’m a little used to aggression, but what happened today is certainly the most violent record I’ve ever suffered.

Brumotti has faced multiple reprisals, primarily for his investigations into Striscia La Notia. And it happened in Sicily too. In March 2015, during the second report of trafficking in Corso Sicilia and the fair, he was attacked by non-EU street vendors who, according to his initial investigations, had been subjected to tightened police checks.

However, in February 2018, Brumotti was targeted with his crew in Palermo’s Zen district during a report on drug trafficking. As he got out of the car, he and his collaborators were insulted, threatened with death and attacked with stones by a large group of residents from the neighborhood. The roof of the car was shattered by a heavy block of concrete thrown from the top floor of a house.

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