And Luca Marinelli What became of Ilary Blasis flirtation with

And Luca Marinelli? What became of Ilary Blasi’s flirtation with the anti Totti actor?

In recent months, Ilary Blasi, supported by her now-ex-husband Francesco Totti, has publicly denied that there was a crisis between her and the Pupone, only to then, on July 11, the day the rumor mill started, to communicate the exact opposite for the whole Totti family between announcements and denials of this or that flirt.

And Luca Marinelli What became of Ilary Blasis flirtation with

At the moment there is very little reliable news and indeed they see the breakup, Francesco Totti’s new relationship with Noemi Bocchi (the latter declared pregnant but then denied by an article in Chi, a weekly newspaper by Alfonso Signorini) and the separation of summer time with the children at the house in Sabaudia, where Totti seems to be with Cristian and Isabel at the moment, while Chanel would have decided to spend a few days with her friends, confirming the suspicion of a bad relationship with her father.

But even at the time of Ilary da Silvia Toffanin’s famous Denial interview in Verissimo’s living room, rumors were already circulating about a liaison between her and none other than Luca Marinelli, one of the best Italian actors and returnee from the previous season’s success Diabolik by Manetti Bros and Le otto montagne, which won the Jury Prize in Cannes.

Ilary’s answer back then, and we were at the end of winter, was that she didn’t even know him. Despite this statement, rumors about the supposedly ongoing relationship between the two have been circulating for weeks, even months.

Luca Marinelli and Ilary Blasi, strangers or former lovers?

When Ilary denies flirting with the actor, however, other clues come from the media:

Luca Marinelli is married to the German actress Alissa Jung, but there seems to have been a touch of crisis in this couple as well, hence the attribution of the flirt between Marinelli and Blasi. Luca Marinelli met Alissa on the set of the film Maria di Nazaret. As for Ilary Blasi, over the past few weeks it would have turned out to be true what appeared to be a rumor the former Brief Today host exchanged messages with a flirt (whose name is currently unconfirmed) that would have put an end to his marriage with Francesco Totti.

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As for the actual relationships between Ilary Blasi and Luca Marinelli, nothing is confirmed, but in recent months the male names associated with the host of The Island of the Famous have varied.

All the men of Ilary Blasi: Alessio La Padula, Luca Marinelli, Antonino Spinalbese etc …

When on the one hand there is Francesco Totti, practically already married to Noemi Bocchi and maybe a new father? Nothing is known about a possible new love interest for Ilary, but we talk a lot and the names that have sprung up in droves have been that of alongside Luca Marinelli Antonino Spinalbese, formerly Belen Rodriguez and Alessio La Padula.

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These were the words of Ilary Blasi on the subject: “If you give a name and a surname, you have to be sure. However, the media fury only lasted three days and the matter has faded. They gave two people close to me, including Luca Marinelli, whom I do not know. One of the most recent voices would see her lover’s face in the character of Ilary’s personal trainer, but there was also talk of a “Neapolitan entrepreneur who works a lot in Milan, in turn a former partner of another famous presenter”.