Blinkens visit to Panama amid controversial connections

Blinken’s visit to Panama amid controversial connections

Although in statements to TVN the diplomat only mentioned that the representative of her strategic partner will attend a regional meeting on migration, the scourge worries local authorities in their confrontation and attention to thousands of illegal migrants on their way north. Country.

According to Moyunes, Blinken’s visit shows the “strengthening” of bilateral relations after a period of weakness.

The upcoming appointment in Panama to address the migration crisis, which will be attended by foreign ministers from across the region, will continue the first appointment held in 2021, but virtually.

For Washington, he conceded, the issue is a priority given that the thousands of migrants arriving in that country use passage through the dangerous Darién Jungle, which borders Colombia, as a stepping stone.

Mouynes, who will embark on a tour in China tomorrow that will also take her to Vietnam, Indonesia and Singapore in search of investments, has previously reiterated the need for shared responsibility between the countries of origin and destination of irregular migration, including the United States.

The day before, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) warned of the surge in these refugee flows this year after announcing that in May a standard allowing the undocumented refugees to be expelled will be lifted .

Another issue keeping the governments of Panama and the United States at bay is the latter’s refusal to review a Trade Promotion Treaty (TPC) that has been in place since 2012 to reduce tariffs on agri-food products.

On March 18, Mouynes himself formally submitted two formal TPC review notes to the US Embassy.

The documents were received by the chargé d’affaires of this diplomatic legation, Stewart Tuttle, and the texts show the intention of Laurentino Cortizo’s executive to invoke mechanisms to make adjustments provided for in the agreement on points of particular social interest, such as z Rice, milk and its derivatives, as well as chicken and pork.

The spirit of the TPC’s renegotiation is to encourage new trade terms for these items without affecting Panamanian agricultural production and job creation that they represent to the local economy, especially rural areas, adds the official letter.

The deal, which Washington does not want to renegotiate, sparked angry reactions from the agricultural sector, including peaceful protests such as those staged by the United Pig Farmers Association outside government buildings in Veragua’s western province.
