the truth about the Popes trip to Kyiv

the truth about the Pope’s trip to Kyiv


The West is screwed into an analysis of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine that leaves out some fundamental points in order to find a diplomatic solution to the war that has been burning Europe for more than a month. Andrea Margelletti, President of Ce.SI Centro Studi Internazionali, explains it on Monday April 4th in Myrta Merlino’s living room in L’aria che tira, La7.

The geopolitician warns of the role of China, which is keen to stay out of the game. “Xi Jinping is preparing to take over the leadership of the country for the third time explains Margelletti This is not a Chinese problem. We do not know that Beijing has a 3040 year old vision and the 21 Chinese century,” warns the expert, the problem is that “we don’t listen to what the Beijing people say, we like to live in the world of fairy tales”.

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In summary, “China’s role is to constrain US space, not to please Europe and to us, the analyst notes. “It is futile to knock on a door” that is meant to remain closed. Also on the table is the possible power of persuasion that Pope Francis could exercise, even if his trip to Kyiv is under discussion. The Pope himself expressed doubts about its feasibility, but also about its expediency in the peace process. “It has exceptional moral strength, but only for the Ukrainians affirms Margelletti this is a war that has enormous religious connotations because there is very strong religious support on the part of Russia in a country as emotional as Russia. Kirill,” the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, “which is the alternative beacon at the moment, has basically announced a crusade, crying ‘God wills it'”.

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For Margelletti, the West and Italian public opinion must analyze the scenario in its context and not just focus on the point of view, albeit understandable, of those attacked. “We must advance the diplomatic aspects, but we must have the honesty to say that it has been 40 days since political, military and religious figures called the Kremlin’s intercom.” And from Moscow, “they don’t answer,” it reads bitter conclusion of the expert.