Christian Nodal is branded a womanizer and unfaithful to Belinda

Christian Nodal is branded a “womanizer” and unfaithful to Belinda

Christian knots

Christian Nodal “would paint Belinda with horns more than once” | Instagram

Christian Nodal, of whom they assure themselves, now lives an unbridled life full of excess and parties after his separation belindaalthough he has “painted the horns of the pop interpreter” several times, it is said.

As in any story, there are several versions, while some say who singer Christian Nodal would betray Belinda, someone very close to the Mexican regional league hinted that the 23-year-old was not a “white dove”.

According to alleged statements by an “employee” of the “regional mexican“, assures that the interpreter of songs like “Adiós Amor”, “Botella after bottle”, “They did not tell you wrong” and many others often seeks the company of “scored women”.

This “habit” on the part of the “sonoran“It’s not exactly or for ‘heartbreak’ reasons, apparently despite his relationship with Belinda, the ‘Caborca ​​original’, he was looking for moments to escape and meet that type of girl, says the alleged whistleblower.

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Christian Nodal “would paint Belinda horns more than once”. Photo: Capture Instagram.

In sharing these and other details from the talent’s fast-paced life”composerThe source has responded to questions about whether Nodal dated “escorts” while he was dating Belinda? This confirmed:

“Yes, he was reportedly very much in love with her, but on several occasions he has cheated on her with scorts. Although it seemed like they were together all the time, they weren’t and when he wasn’t with her, he did Took the opportunity to have fun. There were times when he would disappear and not even answer Belinda’s phone,” the stranger said.

He also shared that, for his part, the “Christian Nodal’s ex-fiancé“, (Belinda Peregrín Schüll) would never know as long as the courtship between them lasted.

However, the actress, reminiscent of children’s films, recalled that when she noticed other negative things, including the deception with her ex, María Fernánda, which the “collaborator” repeated, she felt that “Beli” didn’t deserve to betray, pointedly .

According to what the aforementioned publication recently shared, it should be said that this isn’t the first time versions of the publisher have appeared depicting a dark personality of the “singer-songwriter“.

Amid news of the breach, which Jesús González Nodal himself confirmed on February 12, reports circulated suggesting that they were attempting to clear the name of the “Spanish” who would be most affected by all this controversy, something that apparently involved her family, who were also said to be speaking negative things about Nodal, they assured.

Recently, Nodal was caught himself with some girls who they say “pay for their company” and met at long parties with his friend, rapper Gera MX.

A more recent example was the young woman he was approached with by a fan at a Beverly Hills restaurant, now identified as Andrea Flores, who they mention took over his account immediately after hooking up with the famous interpreter of ” We are no more, nor will we be.”

She wouldn’t be the only girl on the list, as names like Mariana Flores have also been floating around, a Colombian girl who appears to have an “OnlyFans” page and says she would charge 200 pesos to have her photos taken to see.