1649199184 Local authorities ban indefinite re election in Costa Rica photo

Local authorities ban indefinite re-election in Costa Rica (+photo)

Local authorities ban indefinite re election in Costa Rica photo

“Costa Rica, the continent’s oldest democracy, today marks a milestone in consolidating the necessary reforms for our institutions that will allow healthy rotation of popular representation and prevent power entrapment in a select few,” he said.

At the signing ceremony of the reform of Article 14 of Law 7794, held in the President’s House, Alvarado was joined by Ministers of the Presidency, Giannina Dinarte, and Ministers of the Interior and Police, Michael Soto, among others.

The only article that changes the Municipal Code states that “the mayors can be re-elected once in a row. They may not hold office in the popular election of the municipal regime until two terms have elapsed since the end of their second consecutive term.

In addition, he continues: “Vice Mayors and Vice Mayors are also eligible for consecutive re-election for a single term and may not hold the same position or that of councilor or trustee until two terms have elapsed since the end of their second consecutive term”.

Likewise, it provides that councillors, trustees, mayors, deputy mayors, aldermen, as well as those who hold either of the alternate offices, may be re-elected consecutively for a single term and may not hold the same office or its alternate until two terms are up since their second term tenure not expired.

The legal reform includes a unique transition period for those currently serving as mayors, mayors or mayors elected to office for at least two consecutive terms must serve two terms before being able to hold any office again. elected by the people at the local level.

For Dinarte, Costa Rica needs a healthy change in municipal authorities, proper accountability of the authorities in the territory to be guarantors for the delivery of services that citizens demand and a healthy exercise of political control, he stressed.
