Alfredo Adame fought with Carlos Trejos lawyer

Alfredo Adame fought with Carlos Trejo’s lawyer

Midtime editorial

Mexico City / 04/05/2022 14:44:26

Alfred Adame ended up turning social media upside down again, again, lying on the ground and unable to use his bike steps as you would like.

In various videos that appear in the networks, the actor, politician and driver can be seen at a press conference in which he tries to explain his future plans it was interrupted by someone posing as Carlos Trejo’s lawyer.

Without skimping on formalities, the clumsy visitor pointed this out it was Adame who didn’t show up for the fight he had arranged with Trejoalthough according to “Ghostbusters” there was a signed contract ignited the spirits.

The lawyer whose name is unknown he didn’t want to leave the premises despite being asked by the security guardsso maddened Adame went in search of him to try and beat him.

“You’re a pig like your boss”he commented while some of those present tried not to let the tension go any further, although it was of little use as Adame accidentally lunged at him.

As if it were the Aguayo Dog (RIP) entering the ring to the ring under the sound of the March of Zacatecas, Adame appeared to try to kick the attorney, although he didn’t do well and ended up on the floor up to twice.

It should be noted that this is the second time this year that he has been involved in a fight, as he ran into a family in a traffic accident in January.