Radio Havana Cuba Peru Right wing bloc boycotts dialogue with

Radio Havana Cuba | Peru: Right-wing bloc boycotts dialogue with President Pedro Castillo

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Legislator Adriana Tudela and President Pedro Castillo.

Lima, April 5 (RHC) – The parliamentary faction of Peru’s far-right Avanza País party boycotted a meeting between a representative of Congress and President Pedro Castillo on the current social crisis.

MP Adriana Tudela announced that her small bloc would not participate in the appointment of the President and a ministerial team he had convened with the Administrative Council and speakers from the Legislative Banks to discuss the critical situation.

He claimed that the eight members will not attend the meeting because they disagree with the state of emergency with restricted rights decreed by the government in response to the social crisis, which today includes the curfew.

Tudela announced the withdrawal after his failed attempt to get the Spokesperson’s Council to cancel the meeting with the president in protest at the government’s actions in light of the violence recorded yesterday in different parts of the city and because of intelligence information about looting preparations.

However, the aforementioned board has, by a majority and against the opinion of the largest bank of the co-ruling Peru Libre party, adopted a statement calling on the executive to lift the state of emergency and indicating that the crisis was government-made.

The speakers’ position coincides with a statement from the business association, which rejected today’s curfew, calling it “irresponsible and illegal” and noting that it violates fundamental rights and freedoms.

Ministers for Justice and Human Rights and Foreign Trade declared that the measures taken by the executive were fully constitutional. (Source:PL)