Arctic pollution is worrying the scientific community

Arctic pollution is worrying the scientific community

A study recently published in the journal Nature Reports Earth & Environment showed high concentrations in the Arctic Ocean of microplastics on the sea floor, remote beaches, rivers and even in ice and snow. Plastics are currently responsible for 4.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

the items by the Alfred Wegener Institute shows that this contamination originates from local or distant sources, in addition to the Atlantic ocean currents North Sea and the North Pacific on the Bering Strait. A panorama that reflects a situation similar to populated regions.

The statement said: “There is evidence that the consequences there are similar to those of the best-studied regions: In the Arctic too, many animals (polar bears, seals, reindeer and seabirds) become entangled in plastic and die.

In the Arctic, too, unintentionally ingested microplastics are likely to lead to reduced growth and reproduction, physiological stress and inflammation in the tissues of marine animals and even pass through the blood of humans.”

With information from Latin Press

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