1663291883 King Charles III encourages mass layoffs after accession to the

King Charles III encourages mass layoffs after accession to the throne

Jane Barlow/AFP
Jane Barlow/AFP Newsroom Observatory of the Famous

09/15/2022 09:59

O King Charles III ascended the throne just over a week ago and despite the very short time some of the monarch’s attitudes give rise to discussions and suggests an era that may be marked by several controversies in the kingdom from now on.

According to information from the British portal The Guardian around 100 employees of Clarence Houseformer official residence of the new monarch, have been informed that they will be removed from their respective positions after he and his wife, Queen Consort Camilla Parker, officially moved into Buckingham Palace, the seat of the monarchy.

King Charles III provided the staff. Services while acting as prince at his residence. The specialists received the notice of termination by letter and the message states that the staff’s services are no longer needed.

In a message to the British newspaper The Guardian, The collaborators would be quite angry at the news Sent by Charles III. “Everyone is angry, including the private secretaries and the command staff. All employees have been on duty since Thursday evening [quando a rainha Elizabeth II morreu] to come across it. People are very upset,” said a source, whose identity has not been released.

SEE MORE: Prince Charles: Who is Queen Elizabeth II’s successor?

The contribution “King Charles III. encourages mass layoffs after accession to the throne” was first published on the Observatory of the Famous.