After vote on expulsion Russia leaves UN Human Rights Council

After vote on expulsion: Russia leaves UN Human Rights Council

Status: 08.04.2022 8:28 am

First, the UN General Assembly suspended Russia’s participation in the Human Rights Council by a large majority – then the country itself ended the decision. US President Biden called the vote “historic”.

The UN General Assembly passed a resolution suspending Russia’s membership of the Human Rights Council. The reason for this is the reports of gross and systematic violations of human rights in Ukraine.

The motion passed with 93 votes in favour, 24 votes against and 58 abstentions. A two-thirds majority was needed for the suspension to become effective – abstentions do not count. The text of the resolution states that “the right of the Russian Federation to become a member of the Human Rights Council is suspended”.

After the vote, Russia declared its membership in the UN body prematurely ended.

Step already requested several times

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called the suspension of membership “quite logical” and “absolutely fair”.

US President Joe Biden also praised the decision. “The Russian armed forces are committing war crimes. Russia has no place on the Human Rights Council,” he said. After the “historic vote”, Russia can no longer spread disinformation in the committee. Biden spoke of a “significant step” by the international community that shows “how Putin’s war has turned Russia into an international pariah”.

The photos of Butscha and other places are terrible. Evidence that people were raped, tortured or executed – and in some cases their bodies desecrated – “is a scandal to our common humanity”.

The United States initiated the order. The measure had already been requested several times by representatives of Western countries. The group of seven main industrialized countries (G7) also spoke out in favor of this.

Marion Schmickler, ARD New York, on the suspension of Russia’s membership of the UN Human Rights Council

tagesschau24 6:30 pm, April 7, 2022

No independent investigation yet

According to the RIA news agency, after the results were announced, Russia called the suspension “illegal”. The resolution “has nothing to do with the actual human rights situation on the ground,” said Russian Deputy Ambassador to the UN Dmitry Polianski.

Several members justified their abstentions or votes against saying that there was still no independent investigation into the alleged war crimes.

The UN Human Rights Council was founded in 2006 as the successor organization to the UN Human Rights Commission. It is a sub-organ of the UN General Assembly based in Geneva. The 47 member states are elected for three-year terms.

Russia remains on the UN Security Council

However, Russia remains part of the United Nations – and a permanent member of the UN Security Council. The country has the right of veto. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky recently accused the Security Council of failing in the Ukraine war.

UN General Assembly decides to exclude Russia from Human Rights Council

Antje Passenheim, ARD New York, April 7, 2022 8:45 pm