The political crisis in Peru is not abating. The Congress of Peru approved a motion to nominate the President by 61 votes in favour, 43 against and 3 abstentions peter burg “to submit his irrevocable resignation”. The head of state has only been in office for 8 months.
The proposal against the president of the Andean country was presented by the far-right Avanza País party. The counterarguments peter burg they are based on a perceived lack of governance, which is why they are urging him to leave the presidency “for the moral good of the nation.”
The post on Twitter of the Congress of Peru after the vote.
“The mismanagement deserves the rejection of the national population, demonstrated in various social demonstrations across the national territory,” and this carries the risk of “reaching a serious level of social upheaval,” the text says peter burg.
However, the application approved by the Peruvian legislature is not binding Castillo is under no obligation to comply. In other words, it’s a political gesture with no real impact, but one that only adds to the political crisis that the South American country is going through.
Source: (BBC)
The Peruvian leader has yet to rule on the latest push against him in Congress, but he chaired a Council of Ministers meeting yesterday in Huancayo (rather than Lima), the city at the center of last week’s porter protests.
from Huancayo, peter burg He apologized for saying earlier that some leaders and ringleaders had received payment for conducting the strike. These demonstrations ended in looting, blockades, clashes and six deaths, which is why the President called for a peaceful demonstration.
Strike of the transport companies in Peru.
“I not only want to apologize but also offer my condolences to the families who lost their lives in these brawls and I congratulate the leaders and protesters who are taking to the streets and squares as they have always done to me “, he said .
The truckers’ strike began as a protest against the rise in gas prices. Although Castillo announced last Sunday that it would exempt fuel from the selective consumption tax until June 30, the demonstrations intensified on Monday.
Source: (24 hours)
For this reason, and because rumors of looting made the rounds in the capital, it was around midnight on Monday peter burg announced a surprise curfew for the provinces of Lima and Callao for the whole of Tuesday. However, thousands of citizens opposed the measure and took to the streets to protest.