In the Shoes of Young Voters

It’s the vote in 14 days. Have you made your choice?

According to the latest Léger poll, the Coalition Avenir Québec ranks first for voting intentions with 38%.

In second place is the Liberal Party with 18%, followed by Québec Solidaire with 17%, the Conservative Party with 15% and finally the Parti Québécois with 11% of the voting intentions.

However, if you look at the voting intentions of 18 to 34 year olds, the picture changes completely. Quebec solidaire dominates. According to a Léger poll released just before the start of the election campaign, 36% of 18-34 year olds wanted to vote for the Orange Party.

I have a question for the over 34s: Do you put yourself in the shoes of young adults when it comes to who you vote for?

Look beyond your navel

I am 26 years old and will be voting on October 3rd. Before deciding my vote, I am interested in what each of the parties proposes for young people, but I am also very interested in what is proposed for the other age groups. In order for a party to get my vote, for example, it is essential that the welfare of the elderly is given priority.

I hope that older people can also put themselves in our position.

We all have different priorities, but I think it’s important to think outside the box when voting.

Before going to the polls, voters would do well to take an interest in the issues affecting young people, because young people will live the longest with the consequences of the policies decided by the next government.

Whether you are in your 20s, 50s or 80s, by putting yourself in each other’s shoes you can lay the foundation for a better future for all.

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