Ukraine orders antidote for chemical weapons Moscow War risk USARussia.jpgw700

Ukraine orders antidote for chemical weapons. Moscow: “War risk USARussia”

Rome, April 9, 2022 New massacres in Ukraine, new horror, ever higher tones among the world powers. The Kramatorsk massacre leaves further indelible traces, Moscow warns the USA of the danger of a direct confrontation and meanwhile is repositioning the military machine for the new targets: For days the east of the country has been in its sights. But Russian troops are still trying to create a corridor between Crimea and Donbass. “Like the Bucha massacre, like so many others Russian war crimesthe attack on Kramatorsk The allegations that are being brought to justice include what needs to happen. So in a video message from the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy comments on yesterday’s massacre at Kramatorsk station, where they are located more than 50 refugees died. For fear of chemical weaponsreports the Wsj, l‘Ukraine orders about 220,000 vials of atropinea substance that can be used to counteract any effects of chemical weapons such as nerve agents.

Ukraine, body recovery in Kramatorsk (Ansa)Ukraine, body recovery in Kramatorsk (Ansa)


Russian airstrikes in southern and eastern Ukraine in support of operations in Ukraine are expected to increase Donbassto Mariupol and Mykolayiv aided by continued missile launches by Moscow’s naval forces, writes the UK MoD in its usual intelligence update. However, London points out that Ukrainian resistance continues to hamper Russian ambitions to establish one Land corridor between Crimea and Donbass. Now the Moscow army is planning to follow suit Kharkiv. The head of Ukraine’s military intelligence service, General Kyrylo Budanov, told CNN in an interview: Russian troops are “massing” before advancing on the city. Budanov stated that they “regroup via Belgorod towards the town called Izium”.

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A warning comes from Moscow: the West’s arms and ammunition supplies to Ukraine are causing “further bloodshed,” are “dangerous and provocative,” and could lead to it “The United States and the Russian Federation Headed for Direct Military Confrontation”. To put it in an interview with Newsweek the Russian ambassador to the United States, Anatoly Antonovand noted that Moscow is doing everything in its power to avoid civilian casualties and damage to Ukraine’s infrastructure.

Meanwhile the United States which continue to increase pressure on Russia: Joe Biden signed law banning energy imports from Russia and disrupting normal trade relations with Moscow. The EU, on the other hand, is not ready: the embargo on Russian oil will have to wait. The topic will not be discussed by the EU foreign ministers on Monday. The rating of Russian longterm foreign currency bonds was downgraded by S&P from CC to SD, ie selective default.

And Agnès Callamard, Secretary General of Amnesty International, responding to the closure of the local office by Moscow. The Russian authorities he says “are deeply mistaken if they believe that by closing our office in Moscow they will interrupt our work of documenting and reporting on human rights violations, “we will redouble our efforts to denounce the sensational human rights violations in Russia , both at home and abroad”. Similar action by the Kremlin also at the other NGO Human Rights Watch.

Bucha, von der Leyen and Borrell shockedBucha, von der Leyen and Borrell shocked

CNN had exclusive access to it Chernobyl power plant for the first time since it came back under Ukrainian control. In the room where Russian soldiers lived during the occupation says the broadcaster radiation levels are now higher than normal. The source of the radioactive material is not visible in the room, but Ukrainian officials say it came from the small particles and dust that the soldiers brought into the building. “They went to the Red Forest,” the area around Chernobyl, which remains the most polluted area on earth after the 1986 nuclear disaster, “and brought the material into the power plant through their shoes,” explains Ukrainian soldier Ihor Ugolkov . Plant officials tell the US broadcaster that levels in the room used by Russian soldiers are only slightly higher than what the World Nuclear Association describes as naturally occurring radiation: a single exposure is not dangerous, but exposure is dangerous health. CNN was also found in a safe area at the edge of the forest a container of lunch for soldiers with radiation levels 50 times higher than natural.