Are Madlyn and Colby from The Ultimatum still together

Are Madlyn and Colby from The Ultimatum still together?

love chaos Then please feast your weary eyes on Netflix’s new reality dating show The Ultimatum because it’s so messy I’m really not sure if a cleanup is possible.

So far we’ve met six couples on the show who all have the same thing in common: one person wants to get married and one person definitely doesn’t. So the show’s hosts, Vanessa and Nick Lachey, decide the best solution to this problem is for a qualified therapist to shove everyone into a hotel, get them to date someone from another couple, and then take them on a three-week ” Trial Marriage” to participate “With this stranger. Which is obviously the worst (and yet also the best) idea in the world.

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As every original couple’s relationship is tested after a three-week cheating pass, we’re here to talk about Madlyn and Colby. Did she accept his suggestion? are you still together So many questions, but first a quick TL;DR on their relationship throughout the show:

  • When Madlyn and Colby arrive on The Ultimatum, he’s more than ready for marriage and she’s a lot hesitant … and honestly seems to have all kinds of excitement about meeting someone new.
  • Madlyn enters into a trial marriage with Randall, during which time she realizes her relationship with Colby has a lot of problems. He’s annoying her and she thinks he’s a bad listener.
  • Colby is on a trial with April and their mood is definitely on the amicable side, despite the fact that they end up making out in bed on their last night together.
  • Madlyn and Colby move back together for three weeks before they have to decide whether to get married, and they basically spend the whole time fighting. Also, Madlyn finds out that Colby kissed a random girl at a club and stayed in touch with her, which she’s less than thrilled about.
  • We leave Madlyn and Colby in a rather difficult position thanks to a pre-decision dinner argument where she makes it clear that marriage is a terrible idea.

So… are they still together?

The trailer for the final episodes of The Ultimatum makes it seem like Madlyn is dismissing Colby’s proposal, but we won’t really find out where they stand until Netflix releases a reunion special. Especially since the filming of The Ultimatum ended in May 2021 and obviously a lot can change in a year. This is where detective work comes into play. Check out the evidence to judge for yourself.

Filming ended in the second week of May 2021, noisy hustle and bustle. And we have proof that Colby liked Madlyn’s photos up until February 2022:



As of now, neither Colby nor Madlyn are following each other on Instagram. Which means something happened in the two months between February 2022 and April 2022. Kind of like, you know, the premiere of The Ultimatum on Netflix — where these two first saw what was happening behind the closed doors of each other’s trial marriages. Oh, and on top of that, they apparently deleted all the pics they had of each other on Insta.

madlyn and colby


madlyn and colby


Colby posted an extremely dramatic and uncool insta three days ago. I mean…that caption doesn’t exactly paint the picture of someone happy with how they were treated on the reality show he’s currently starring in:

This content is imported from Instagram. You may find the same content in a different format or more information on their website.

So yes. I have to admit that the odds don’t look fantastic! But all this social media activity might just be a way to distract viewers from the trail so we all get in the mood for the goodbye…which reminds me that you’ll want to watch the next few episodes of The Ultimatum on April 13th.


Mehera Bonner Mehera Bonner is a celebrity and entertainment news writer who enjoys Bravo and Antiques Roadshow with equal enthusiasm. She was previously entertainment editor at Marie Claire and has been covering pop culture for over a decade.

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