There is no paradise without breasts aired in 2008 and enabled several characters to achieve fame, including Carmen Villalobos. The American production was written by Gustav Bolivar and produced by RTI Television for Telemundo. The story is about the beautiful Catherine Santana and her group of friends who provide sexual services to the most powerful men in the drug trade.
The truth is, getting that role wasn’t an easy feat Villalobos because the television signal didn’t want her as the leading lady. The writer and executive producer (Hugo León Ferrer) were convinced that it should be a Colombian artist who was responsible for the telenovela Telemundo He claimed she must be Mexican.
“Yes or yes, they told us that the girl has to be Mexican and we said ‘no, she has to be Colombian’. Hugo fought them, I fought them… it’s a Colombian story’, and to them ‘no, it has to be a Mexican one’, admitted Bolívar.
There’s no paradise without boobs, the flick that launched Carmen Villalobos to fame
Villalobos She is grateful for this role because “she owes him almost everything”. About the soap opera and Catherine SantanaSome time ago he said: “The public opened doors for me and recognized me thanks to this character and I enjoyed it from day one to the last. It was an experience that shaped my life and career.”
But how old was he when he played the lead role There is no paradise without breasts? In the first season of production Villalobos he was only 24 years old.
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