Donatella and her fathers disappearance He died in a video

Donatella and her father’s disappearance: «He died in a video call with us. We are looking for the strength to do so and

Sylvia and Giulia offerguests from Silvia Toffanin to very correct. The Donatella, still shaken of the Death of popewho on September 15 suffered from the consequences of a sudden heart attack, they shared of the horrific moment they are going through. The two sisters in the TV living room shared how they were both very attached to the character pope. rivers of tears poured into the studio, by both the sisters and the audience.

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what did they say

Just a few days ago, the sisters Provide They revealed on their profile Social some tragic details about her father’s death Claudia. “He died of a heart attack while on a video call with us and our mother,” they said in the stories Instagram. The disappearance of the father figure was a really hard toad for the two sisters, even though the father had been dying for some time suddenly.

Sylviato the questions of toffanineShe spoke up and said: «It was one shock from which we have not yet recovered. Dad called us around quarter past midnight, he said fatigue to to breathe. He went into cardiac arrest, he didn’t even want us to call 118. Then I realized when I got there that my father had fallen off his chair, he had collapsed because the phone had just flown out of his hand.”

The report to 118

And then Giulia offer She said, touched, “I got in the car and drove off Milan to the modena. We wanted them to leave dad at home for the night because mom wanted to say goodbye to him for the last time ». It was not an easy time for the two sisters rescue who did not respond to the request for help: «I called them 118 like crazy, but no one came. It was very difficult to get in touch with the rescue and we would have preferred to have found more sensitivity in such a moment ».

The Cure

And then The Donatellanot in dealing with the tearsthey told of the good relationship they had with Father: «He appreciated many of us, he always saw in us a charge, a determination, an authenticity. Ever since we were little girls ». A great loss for both of them sisterswho is now trying to recover from the shock: “Fortunately we are very close, we have a beautiful family, a child that lifts our spirits, we find the strength to carry on.”

Last updated: Sunday 25 September 2022 21:51