Pakistani Imran Khan was ousted as prime minister after a

Pakistani Imran Khan was ousted as prime minister after a no-confidence vote

Pakistan’s parliament has passed a vote of no confidence in Imran Khan as prime minister.

Why it matters: While no previous Pakistani prime minister has completed a full five-year term, the former cricket star is the first to be impeached in a vote of no confidence, the New York Times notes.

Using the numbers: The motion passed early Sunday local time in the 342-seat legislature by 174 votes — two more than needed for a simple majority, according to the Washington Post.

Driving the news: The country’s Supreme Court said Thursday a vote should be held after it was found that actions by Khan’s ruling Pakistani Tehreek Insaf (Justice) party to block a no-confidence motion against him last week were unconstitutional, the BBC reports.

  • Khan had seen several defectors recently – notably a key ally who left the ruling coalition, which cost him a majority in Parliament last month.

The big picture: He took office in 2018 after running as an anti-establishment politician committed to clearing up corruption in politics. But according to Al Jazeera, opposition parties say he has failed to do so.

  • Opposition leaders also accused Khan of mismanaging the economy amid high inflation in the country, according to the NYT.

What’s next: Elections are scheduled to take place within the next six months.

  • Opposition leader Shehbaz Sharif, the leader of the Pakistan Muslim League who led the campaign against Khan, should become interim prime minister, WashPost notes.

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Editor’s Note: This is breaking news. Please check back for updates.