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Revocation of mandate 10 April live: INE begins closing polling booths after consultation

18:00 Polling stations have been closed in most parts of the country; However, northern areas are expected to close later due to time differences.

five o’clock Américo Villarreal Anaya went to vote in Tamaulipas

The candidate for the governorship of Tamaulipas as standard-bearer for Morena, Américo Villarreal Anaya went to the facilities of the National Pedagogical University of said body to vote, indicating that if he becomes President of the State he will push ahead with constitutional reforms In Tamaulipas, the mandate revocation advice is carried out.

16:20 Lorenzo Córdova described the revocation of the mandate as a “definitely successful day”

“If we look at it from a bird’s eye view and compare it with the course of previous federal election days, the day is already today, so that it can be catalogued, a definitely successful day,” President Córdova said at a press conference.

15:15 INE issued precautionary measures against the SHCP on election day

INE’s Complaints and Denunciations Commission has taken precautionary measures against the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP) as part of the citizens’ consultation that will decide whether or not to keep AMLO in office. The electoral commission asked the federal agency to retract what it considered government propaganda to be a post on its official Twitter account.

15:00 Epigmenio Ibarra invited citizens to vote on the revocation of the mandate

The producer of Argos Comunicación and one of the characters who has shown his support for AMLO the most has sent a message to the public through social networks. “Not voting is like saying: we want a tyrant to rule us, he gives up democracy and transformation (…) it’s time to make history,” he said.

14:50 Tours by Mario Delgado, leader of Morena, violate electoral law: Lorenzo Córdova

After the “journeys” of the leader of the National Renewal Movement (Morena) to invite citizens to vote on the revocation of the mandate, Lorenzo Córdova pointed out that this act is a serious crime for which he hopes that no other partisan official arise in them.

14:49 This was reported by Edmundo Jacobo Molina 12,000 70 poll workers and trainers Participation in the recording of votes announced in the information system of revocation of mandate (SIRM). Around the 8:00 at night the first results are reported.

14:14 This was announced by the INE 10 boxes have been disabled due to kinship of force who have been registered Eight in San Salvador Atenco the State of Mexico and two more in PátzcuaroMichoacan.

1:50 p.m The Special Prosecutor for Electoral Crimes (Fisel) reported receipt 14 complaints based on the day the mandate was revoked.

Fisel will take care of the complaints. Photo: Twitter

1:45 p.m In cancun one is registered high turnout of people in one of the special boxes.

There are long lines in Cancun. Photo: Cuartoscuro

1:40 p.m “Successful day”: Lorenzo CordovaHead of INE, congratulated the Mexicans on the revocation of the mandate, hinted that in Chiapas 69 boxes were not installed because the security and public peace conditions for its installation are not in place.

He updated that they were installed by 1:30pm this Sunday April 10th 57,000 423 boxes across the country, which represents 99.6 percent of what is expected, stressing that “it’s a historical figure”; He also announced that the course of this election day could already be described as “successful”.

“Today is a day of democratic celebrations, I hope tomorrow they will celebrate the success of this Mandate Revocation Day,” he said.

13:15 As far as the INE has no recorded incidents during the revocation day of the mandate.

12:18 The President of the Council of the INE, Lorenzo Córdova has cast his vote in the cabin installed in the center of Coyoacán; pointed out that the democratic exercise is a complete success. In the middle of the break of the extraordinary session of the General Council of the National Electoral Institute (INE), he took the opportunity to go to the polling station and cast his vote.

11:50 The Executive Secretary of the National Electoral Institute, Edmundo Jacobo Molinaindicated that they are at the moment Furnished that 98.29 percent of the boxes.

AMLO’s cabinet goes to vote

11:30 a.m The President of the Senate, Olga Sanchez Cordero gave his voice in a box in the Colonia Lomas de Chapultepec of the Mayor’s Office of Miguel Hidalgo. He did it accompanied by a family member.

11:10 the interior minister, Adam Augusto Lopez went to vote in a special box is located at 14 Mar de China Street in the Mayor’s Office Miguel Hidalgohe emphasized the organization of the consultation and the good participation of the population.

10:51 The head of the Ministry of Social Affairs Ariadne Montiel He also announced that he has cast his vote. “It’s a right we all have.”

10:42 At the moment, the INE confirms that this is the case 92.14 percent of installed boxes. He still hinted at that 4,000 have yet to be installed.

10:20 The national leader of Morena, Mario SlimShe went to the vote and assured that the revocation of the mandate “a Dramatic twist and deepening of democratic life in the countryso that the people have all the power and so that the people rule”.

Mario Delgado in revocation of mandate. Photo: Twitter

10:14 The Chancellor Marcelo Ebrard Go to the polling station to vote and invite citizens to participate. “Very few countries have this practice. Those who oppose it are because the polls praise the work of President López Obrador,” he stressed.

Marcelo Ebrard voting. Photo: Twitter

10:10 Mexico City Prime Minister Claudia Scheinbaum Pardocast his ballot in the city of San Andrés Totoltepec at the Tlalpan Mayor’s Office. “Long live participatory democracy!” Projection.

9:53 The President of the Senate Policy Coordinating Body, Ricardo Montreal, He went to vote on Recall Day. “For the first time in the history of our country, we have a constitutional instrument to do this revoke the presidency; let’s practice it“, constricted.

AMLO affirms that democracy must be a habit

AMLO celebrated Withdrawal Day. Photo: Twitter

8:56 The President assured that the democracy must become one habitbecause that won’t help nobody on the social ladder absolutely feel.

AMLO accompanied by his wife Beatriz Gutiérrez. Photo: Yadin Xolalpa

8:55 After casting his vote, López Obrador made a short speech emphasizing it meaning of democracy “Always in the family, at school, at work, in the union, in public life”.

AMLO goes to the polling booth to cast his vote

AMLO as he cast his vote. Photo: Presidency

8:46 President López Obrador puts the ballot in the ballot box.

8:43 Beatriz Gutierrez Muller also casts its vote when the mandate is revoked.

AMLO and Beatriz Gutiérrez voting. Photo: Presidency

8:38 President López Obrador arrives at the box that is inside SHCP Art Museum in the old Palace of the Archdiocese, in Moneda 4, in the Centro district.

AMLO casts his vote. Photo: special

8:00 a.m begin out of official way the day of the revocation of the mandate with the opening of the more than 57,000 polling stations set up by the INE. Voting ends at 6:00 p.m.

7:50 The Minister for Security and Citizen Protection, Rosa Icela Rodríguez, He took part in the citizens’ consultation organized by the National Electoral Institute on the revocation of the mandate. Before the voting booths opened, the official had already been trained to give her opinion on President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s permanence.

7:30 Poll workers arrive with the voting materials coin road in the historic center, where President López Obrador announced that he would not go to the vote but would write on the ballot “Long live Zapata!”.

Officials on arrival at the pits where AMLO will go. Photo: Francisco Nieto

7:00 a.m The INE starts the ceremony from flag ceremoniesunder the direction of the President of the Institute, Laurent Cordova on the occasion of the mandate revocation consultation.

Lorenzo Córdova honoring the flag. Photo: Guillermo O’Gam

so you can vote

6:30 The National Electoral Institute (INE) placed 57,000 516 boxes for citizens to participate in the democratic exercise. In order to be able to vote you need to know the relevant box which can be consulted on the INE website where you will be asked to tick it federal unitas well as write the four digits of the electoral department of the voter card. In addition, you can check where the special boxes when the voter is far from home.

6 o’clock All ready for the day of revocation of the mandate this Sunday, April 10, to define whether the President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador continues or is removed from office if the majority of citizens vote for the President I give up Midway through his term as President, which began December 1, 2018.


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