Quebec Television Here are 14 characters

Quebec Television: Here are 14 characters

Two or three weeks have passed since the start of the fall program. We had time to find our series or to discover the novelties of the season. We’ve also had the chance to see some twisted characters, others walking a tightrope or willing to do anything to achieve their goals. Here are a few.

1) Dominica

Photo courtesy of Serge Gauvin

Marie-France Marcotte in Before the crash

Dominique, a corporate restructuring lawyer, was recently made a partner at Olstrom. Her stern tone and impassive manner suggest she has no intention of laughing or giving anyone a chance. She is also not in solidarity with Evelyne, who is returning to office as her equal. By loaning money to Marc-André, she leads us to believe she’s better off putting it in her hands. In short, a strong woman who seems to have secret motives.

2) Jacob

Matheo Piccinin Savard in The Runaway

There are beautiful falls in Sainte-Alice. As a newcomer to the series, Jacob has an explosive temper. Intimidated, introverted, he comes from a disadvantaged and shaky background. He finds his satisfaction by offering likes and money to a malicious influencer. To repay his debts, he forges crooked deals, the clues to which are revealed little by little, and not without pain. His mother doesn’t want him to be placed, but he could still be the next resident of the youth center.

3) manual

Frederic Millaire Zouvi in warnings

A false ending and a false naivety. The underrated suburban cop looking to make his mark on the squad showed us a very bad side of himself. More than once in the past season, his innocence was questioned in a story about which they knew too many details. In the end we got him a place in the team. As soon as he arrived, he raped the one who had always supported him, Lily-Rose. And he has the nerve to believe it was consensual.

4)Dright Martin Charbonneau

Photo from Facebook, VAT

Christian catch on Untenable

The psychiatrist is not clean. It’s clear. It is known that in his personal life he accumulates mistresses. Professionally, he plays visibly in the minds of his patients. It was not for nothing that the Poirier brothers ended up at his house armed. And he’s not entirely innocent of the murder that happened at his home. And the more we question his approach, the more he jumps into the lead.

5) Dolphins

Photo courtesy of Eric Myre

Virginie Ranger Beauregard in status

It proves that even the best specialists have their weaknesses. She is a social worker and worries about the fate of others. She is a woman of conviction. She is in a relationship with Philippe, the department’s psychiatrist. Their age difference and the bond he has with the rest of the team often drives a wedge between them. Above all, she hides an underestimated and untreated eating disorder that robs her of her footing.

6) Julius

Photo courtesy of ICI Télé

Alex Martin a cerebrum

Jules Côté, a former patient of Dr. Lacombe, is a colorful creature with an unsteady mental balance who struggles to take charge of his life. In this second season, someone is playing in his head. Hard to say if he will make the right decisions.

7) Sandrick

Photo courtesy of Lou Scamble

Levi Doré a domestic animal

At first glance, the teenager had an ambivalent relationship with his teacher. Even if he says he never liked Chanelle. Aware of his attraction, he has meddled with his family while his is dysfunctional. If he is his own mother’s guardian, he has become the lover of a woman of quiet happiness. A relationship that is as disturbing as it is fascinating.

8) Catherine

Celine Bonnier a A criminal case

A mother never leaves her child. Catherine has survived fifteen years replaying all the scenarios in her head to exonerate her son, who is in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. It’s fragile. His mental health took a hit. And she is almost alone in her struggle. Many think they are crazy. But she does not lose heart, so that her son still has a minimum of hope.

9) William

Emmanuel Schwartz hotel

The first episode features an arrogant man, full of himself, living off his mother’s generous hooks. Guillaume Dumont believes he is entitled to everything. While his twin sister, who ran the fancy family hotel, has died, he takes it for granted that the job is his. His presence is already creating a lot of tension in the institution. Through him the bickering seems to arrive.

10) Elijah Chapados

Screenshot, The Honorable

Roger Leger a The honorable

The Dessureaux have obviously put a foot in the aisles. On their way Elie Chapados, a powerful drug dealer who ended up in prison at the same time as Ludovick. He plotted his kidnapping and held him captive. Elie doesn’t want to laugh. His techniques for achieving his ends don’t seem orthodox, and a salty ransom will no doubt be necessary. In short, Ludovick is not over the hill.

11 and 12) Marie-Jeanne and Fred

Photo courtesy of Bertrand Calmeau

Catherine Renaud and Maxime Gaudette present 5th rank

Marie-Jeanne tends to get herself into trouble. And she chooses her allies poorly. Obsessed with revenge after the death of her unborn baby, she not only has the police on her back, but also the criminals she associates with.

Photo courtesy of Fabrice Gaetan

Fred, who has always been righteous and believes in justice, has just taken a step in the other direction by serving as an alibi for Marie-Jeanne, his ex who is suspected of murder. Did the idea of ​​almost becoming a father only cause him to fall into the forces of evil?

13 and 14) Huguette and Marie-Josée

Huguette (Marilyn Castonguay)

Photo courtesy of ICI Télé

Huguette (Marilyn Castonguay)

Marilyn Castonguay and Sophie Desmarais present That’s how I love you

The year is 1975. The year of the woman. This summer, our suburban criminals returned to duty. Huguette has gained trust. she gave birth She is now leading a women’s liberation movement while being a criminal who is very disruptive to her rivals in Montreal. But the tiger’s eye is now the devil’s eye.

Marie-Josee (Sophie Desmarais)

Photo courtesy of ICI Télé

Marie-Josee (Sophie Desmarais)

Marie-Josée, her protégé, takes her feminist mission very seriously. Her usual intensity makes her someone to be wary of in this new season. She’s cultivating a disturbing little demonic side.