Rodrigo Mussi shared on social media that he underwent eye surgery on Friday, September 30. He hasn’t seen well since recovering from the serious car accident he suffered, according to the former BBB. Mussi was operated on in São José dos Campos, municipality of São Paulo.
“I’m here to share a very important moment with you. For months I haven’t seen the beauty of things, I’ve been in a desert that ends today. Thanks again to the medicine. I never thought about how noble medicine is. Technology, health worker skills and advanced studies are extremely important to save lives. It’s transformative,” he said.
Mussi added: “I had the gift of Dr. Rodrigo Magalhães, ophthalmologist from my city to do my eye surgery. I was triple my glasses all the time trying to get used to lenses. I am very grateful to the doctor, medicine and everyone who helped me to believe that it was possible to see the world as it is again. Today is exactly 6 months since the accident and I never thought about giving up this fight.”
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