First change: 02.10.2022 – 17:03
Brazilian voters began voting this Sunday, October 2, in elections that will see the country’s presidency at stake, while the entire Chamber of Deputies and the 27 governors of as many other states are renewing a third of the Senate and the state as a whole become deputy. The two main candidates for the presidency are far-right Jair Bolsonaro, the current president, and former left-wing President Lula da Silva.
– With its more than 260 million inhabitants Brazil is the largest and most important country in Latin America.
– Around 156 million voters must vote in the general elections on Sunday 2 October. 53% of voters are women
– That Voting is mandatory
– Participate eleven candidates to the President of the Republic. seven men Y four women
– 15% of voters They weren’t sure which of the candidates they would vote for
– Jair Bolsonaro, rightmost. He is 67 years old. After a knife attack that almost cost him his life, he underwent six surgeries. He is a retired army captain.
– Luis Inacio Lula da Silva. He is 76 years old. It is the sixth time that he has presented himself as a presidential candidate. He lost in 1989, 1994 and 1998. He won the 2002 and 2006 elections. He is the favorite to win this election.
– Walter BragaNettoThe retired army general is Jair Bolsonaro’s vice presidential candidate
– Paul Geraldo Alckminformer governor of Sao Paulo, is Lula’s vice presidential nominee
– Lula da Silva passed 580 days in prison following allegations of passive corruption and money laundering as part of “Operation Lava Jato”. The Brazilian judiciary cleared him of all charges against him in 2021
– To win the presidency 50% of the valid votes are required (Zeros or abstentions do not count). If no candidate achieves this percentage, a second round between the two candidates with the most votes will take place on October 30th. The same applies to those states in which the position of the governor was not determined in the first round.
– Those will be selected 27 governors of the federal government 27 senators (one third of the total), the 513 MPs and other 1059 state deputies
– Of the 513 MPs in office, 446 ran for re-election. The vast majority are Bolsonaro supporters
– That Supreme Electoral Court (TSE) is the body responsible for monitoring and validating election results
– Lula da Silva has strong support in the region Northeastbut especially in the regions of South Eastwhich include Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais, which concentrate most of the wealth and population.
– Jair Bolsonaro is favorite in the Middle West of the country, dominated by export agriculture. It is the most sparsely populated country in the country, accounting for 7.5% of the electoral register
– The population is religious mostly Catholicbut the weight of evangelicals has grown exponentially. Most of the latter support Bolsonaro
– poverty and hunger increased during the current tenure. It is estimated that 15% of the population suffer from it Hunger, about twice as much as in 2020
– Jair Bolsonaro broke them up National Nutrition Council and Nutrition (Consea), responsible for the fight against hunger
– It is estimated that The Brazilian economy will grow by 2% in 2022 and the Inflation fluctuates around 7-8%
– Jair Bolsonaro’s government eased measures for the gun sale. These estimates have tripled since 2019. More than a million and a half guns were sold in the last 42 months.
– Brazil is the second largest country in the worldbehind the United States, in the number of deaths from Covid-19. Around 700,000 people have died from the pandemic. For this reason, several organizations are calling for Jair Bolsonaro to be prosecuted.
– That land invasion Aboriginal people by large farmers and landowners have skyrocketed over the past three years.
– That deforestation in the Amazon, it increased by 50% between 2019 and 2022. A total of 34,000 square kilometers of trees were cut down. Currently, the “lungs of the world” emit more carbon dioxide than they absorb.