Jeffrey Dahmers glasses on sale at astronomical prices

Jeffrey Dahmer’s glasses on sale at astronomical prices

True crime continues to be popular, and the most recent hit in the genre is Netflix’s Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story. The special has reignited interest in one of the most notorious serial killers of all time, and predictably people are trying to capitalize on the hype.

Taylor James, a man who runs Cult Collectibles in Vancouver, owns Dahmer’s infamous glasses and said he’s willing to sell them for $150,000.

It’s a steep price tag, but the jars are certainly a hot commodity. None other than Rick Ross recently said he wants the accessories for himself. “Find me a pair of Dahmer sunglasses,” he tweeted.

The glasses are just a small part of James’ Dahmer collection. He was contacted by a former housekeeper of Dahmer’s father and agreed to manage and sell the items given to him for a profit share. The collection includes Dahmer’s Bible, family photos, and tableware.

The glasses in James’ possession were worn by Dahmer during his time in prison. The Milwaukee serial killer was convicted of 16 murders and sentenced to life in prison in 1992. That life was only to last for two more years, as he was beaten to death by a fellow inmate in 1994.

Netflix’s Monster was a streaming success, but it also drew criticism. The sister of one of Dahmer’s victims spoke about the series and said no one had consulted her beforehand. She claimed Netflix is ​​”money hungry.”
