On today’s episode of the Rai 1 show, the presenter comes out with a piece of news that caused quite a stir. What happened between the two?
Published on: October 2, 2022 15:38
Source: IPA Agency
In the last episode of “Domenica In” there was an episode that left many viewers speechless: Guest in the studio Loredana Leccisothe hostess Mara Venier Al Bano’s current wife has held back intentions to utter the name Romina Power, former historian of the singer. Behind all of this would be a warning from Romina about Venier. Let’s read more about what happened.
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Domenica In, Romina Power warns Mara Venier
Special guest in the studio of “Domenica In” was today Loredana Lecciso. An awaited speech is that of Al Bano’s wife, who has seldom appeared on the small screen in years. A very long interview that presented a detail that came like a bolt from the blue. The aim of the interview was to trace Lecciso’s life, with a particular focus on the relationship between the woman and her husband Albano Carrisi. After a clip recounting the first meeting between the two, Loredana Lecciso had resumed her speech and, intending to pronounce the name of Romina Power, the singer’s historical and famous ex, she was promptly stopped by Venier , who briefly added: “No, we have to call it something else there Sue“Even though, after mentioning the warning, Mara went ahead to ease the tension and added, ‘Easy Romina and best wishes, today is your birthday my love.’
To this day, most people knew between Venier and Power a friendship or at least a warm relationship made up of many guests and confidential conversations. but What really happened between the presenter and the singer? Dagospia’s Giuseppe Candela posted an instant message on Twitter highlighting a guest of the singer in the first season episode of “Verissimo”: Led by Silvia Toffanin, the speech of Canale 5 – in the Auditel duels – is the biggest challenger of the Rai 1 show Candela has therefore suggested that inviting Lecciso could have been a provocation on the part of Venier against Power, who in turn was offended by the presence of Al Bano’s current wife in the studio. To learn more, it may be necessary to wait for updates from those directly involved.
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