Putins friend Dodik secures the presidency in Banja Luka

Putin’s friend Dodik secures the presidency in Banja Luka

Known for his separatism and nationalism, Milorad Dodik appears to have reappointed the presidency of the smaller Bosnian entity, Republika Srpska. According to the state electoral commission, after counting 81.91 percent of the ballot papers, Dodik is in the lead with 48.80 percent of the votes, ahead of the main opposition candidate Jelena Trivic with 42.69 percent of the votes. wishes.

confusion about the exit

Before that, there was great uncertainty about who would win the election. The opposition Democratic Progress Party (PDP) announced the election victory of its vice president Trivic, which was also widely celebrated in the streets of Banja Luka. After that, Dodik also announced his election victory. Banja Luka’s “Russian man” has been the Serb representative in Bosnia’s three-man government since 2018. He previously held the presidency of the Srpska Republic between 2010 and 2018, after having been prime minister of the minor Bosnian entity from 2006 to 2018. 2010.

In the three-man Bosnian state presidency election on Sunday, the nationalists were only partially successful. As the state electoral commission announced on its website on Monday, the opposition candidate, Bosnian Denis Becirovic, Serbian Zeljka Cvijanovic and again Zeljko Komsic as Croatian representative secured the presidency. Almost 85 percent of polling stations were counted.

Cards are now shuffled

Becirovic, a candidate from 11 opposition parties, won with 57 percent of the vote, ahead of SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic with 37.84 percent. Former Bosnian Serb nationalist prime minister Cvijanovic received 52.87% of the vote in the smaller body, Republika Srpska. The main opposition candidate, Mirko Sarovic, lagged even further with 35.70 percent.

According to the electoral commission, the Croatian representative will again be Zeljko Komsic with 53.61 percent of the votes. His nationalist HDZ opponent Borjana Kristo scored 46.39%. The State Presidency, which is also responsible for the country’s foreign policy, makes its decisions by consensus. This means that the Serbian representative, whose SNSD party is known for its pro-Russian and separatist stance, will have room for blockades.