17 month old girl slips in hot tub and drowns

17 month old girl slips in hot tub and drowns: the little body her 6 year old brother found

there daughter out 17 months drowned in the whirlpool you have ea at home Discover the little body and the little brother only 6 years. A mother shared the terrible pain of losing her little daughter Taidyn Murphyat the age of 17 months, known as Toti, who died after drowning in the hot tub they had at home. The little girl probably slipped after sneaking into the inflatable pool, and by the time her little brother caught her, it was too late.

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The tragedy

totty’s mother, Thalia BrownShe explained that she was at work when the tragedy happened at her home Gracemere in which Queensland, in northeastern Australia. The girl was with the woman’s ex-partner who was supposed to take care of her and her other child. In the morning, however, the little brother discovered the baby in the pool and sounded the alarm.

The rush to the hospital

Totty was taken to the hospital and placed in a medically induced coma but unfortunately there was nothing for her to do and she died the next day. The mother has been in a state of pain and guilt ever since, convinced that if she hadn’t gone to work, there was something she could have done for her little girl.

The family decided to help the woman and started a fundraiser to cover the cost of the child’s funeral.

The police have since launched an investigation into the incident.

Last updated: Monday 3 October 2022 11:34 am