Special National Council on Ukraine and the energy crisis on.jpgw3628h2721crop1

Special National Council on Ukraine and the energy crisis on October 3

10/03/2022 10:59 (act 10/03/2022 14:27)

Special National Council on Ukraine and the energy crisis on.jpg&w=3628&h=2721&crop=1

The National Council will hold a special session on Monday, October 3.

In accordance with the demands of the ÖVP coalition parties and the Greens, there will be a statement on current European issues, the parliamentary correspondence announced on Thursday. In the run-up to the informal EU summit in Prague, the main focus will likely be on the war in Ukraine and the energy crisis.

In addition, a legislative initiative by the coalition parties in connection with the sanctions against Russia will be put on the agenda due to a deadline decided at the last session of the National Council. This involves the introduction of temporary federal competence, limited until the end of 2023, for exceptional approvals of public contracts and concessions to Russian persons, organizations or institutions in accordance with current EU regulations. According to the application, the responsibility for this must lie with the Ministry of Justice, even in the case of public contracts within the competence of the federal states.