1664820056 DIRECT Presidency in Brazil quotThe fight goes on until the

DIRECT. Presidency in Brazil: "The fight goes on until the final victory"reacts Lula

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6:15 p.m.: It’s 6 p.m., here’s a new item in this Monday’s news:

• The Secretary-General of the Elysée, Alexis Kohler, has been charged with “illegal expressions of interest” in connection with an investigation into contracts affecting the shipowner MSC, the National Treasury Prosecutor said.

• The war in Ukraine is “a fight for our values,” said Elisabeth Borne this afternoon before the National Assembly on her return to parliament. Follow our life.

• The Nobel Prize in Medicine goes to Sweden’s Svante Pääbo. He is being honored for his work on sequencing the Neanderthal genome and on paleogenomics.

• The difference is much smaller than expected. Former leftist President Lula won the first round of Brazil’s presidential elections (48%). Jair Bolsonaro, the far-right outgoing president, held up better than expected (43%). The duel between the two men is scheduled to take place on October 30th. Track the situation in our life.

3:24 p.m.: Good morning @David, according to the Superior Electoral Court (link in English), which works with regional courts to monitor the smooth running of the elections and thus this voting method, “no suspicion of fraud has been confirmed” in 26 years of the use of electronic voting. Brazil. Any suspicion will be checked by the electoral justice authorities, but also by the public prosecutor’s office and the federal police, the same source said.

3:20 pm: Hello FI, Elections in Brazil are conducted by electronic voting. Has this computer system ever been scammed? Who manages this structure? Thank you all have a nice day

2:16 p.m.: Here’s a new point in the news:

• The difference is much smaller than expected. Former leftist President Lula won the first round of Brazil’s presidential elections (48%). Jair Bolsonaro, the far-right outgoing president, held up better than expected (43%). The duel between the two men is scheduled to take place on October 30th. Track the situation in our life.

• The Nobel Prize in Medicine goes to Sweden’s Svante Pääbo. He is being honored for his work on sequencing the Neanderthal genome and on paleogenomics.

• The Court of Justice of the Republic (CJR) orders a trial against current Attorney General Eric Dupond-Moretti. He is accused of using his position to settle scores with judges whom he contradicted as a lawyer.

• A complaint against Adrien Quatennens was filed on September 26 by his wife Céline Quatennens, franceinfo learned from a source familiar with the matter and confirmed information from BFMTV. She had already filed two handrails against the deputy.

12:58 p.m .: “It’s a defeat for me. We were hoping for a win in the first round, but Lula’s win isn’t that clear. Personally, I’m really disappointed.”

Lula has emerged victorious in the first round of Brazil’s presidential elections by a 5-point lead over outgoing President Jair Bolsonaro. But the supporters of the left-wing candidate are disappointed: Many of them believed in victory in the first ballot.

12:04 p.m.: It’s noon, here’s a new reminder of the main titles:

• The difference is much smaller than expected. Former left-wing President Lula won the first round of Brazil’s presidential elections (47.97%). Jair Bolsonaro, the far-right outgoing president, held up better than expected (43.60%). The duel between the two men is scheduled to take place on October 30th. Track the situation in our life.

• The Nobel Prize in Medicine goes to Sweden’s Svante Pääbo. He is being honored for his work on sequencing the Neanderthal genome and on paleogenomics.

• The Court of Justice of the Republic (CJR) orders a trial against current Attorney General Eric Dupond-Moretti. He is accused of using his position to settle scores with judges whom he contradicted as a lawyer.

• A complaint against Adrien Quatennens was filed on September 26 by his wife Céline Quatennens, franceinfo learned from a source familiar with the matter and confirmed information from BFMTV. She had already filed two handrails against the deputy.

11:15 a.m.: Two former ministers of Jair Bolsonaro enter Congress: former environment minister Ricardo Salles and former health minister Eduardo Pazuello. Even if Lula wins the second round of the presidential election on October 30, El País says he will be dealing with a very conservative House of Representatives and it will be extremely difficult for him to find a majority.

11:03 am: In this article we are not only talking about the presidential election and we come back to the elections of deputies, senators and governors of the regions. In fact, voters were also called to the polls to elect the governors of 27 states, including the federal district of Brasilia, the country’s 513 MPs and a third of the 81 senators. These elections offered a series of notable victories for the Bolsonarist camp.

11:09 am: In this article we describe what you should remember from the close result between Lula and Jair Bolsonaro.

DIRECT Presidency in Brazil quotThe fight goes on until the


10:44 am: 😔 https://t.co/nCAIzzxDO9
1664820051 13 DIRECT Presidency in Brazil quotThe fight goes on until the

10:49: According to the correspondent of the daily Le Monde in Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro’s good result in this first round is not a surprise. The outgoing president is “anything but a blind ruler whose rise is due only to a welcome and momentary alignment of the planets,” he writes in his book Cauchemar Brazil. Brazil is a “country with a worrying profile”. He conjures up “a most intolerant religious and moral obscurantism” of a mixed society based “in the first place on a vile racism inherited from long centuries of slavery”.

09:05: It’s 9am, here’s a new reminder of the tracks:

• The difference is much smaller than expected. Former left-wing President Lula won the first round of Brazil’s presidential elections (47.97%). Jair Bolsonaro, the far-right outgoing president, held up better than expected (43.60%). The duel between the two men is scheduled to take place on October 30th. Track the situation in our life.

• The new vaccination campaign against Covid-19 starts today. Here we summarize everything you need to know about this new phase in the fight against the virus.

• Return of the parliamentarians. After a tumultuous summer session, many elected officials are anticipating an even more turbulent return to the Chamber with the arrival of divisive texts and a tense political climate.

• State Duma deputies are considering a bill on Russia’s annexation of Ukrainian lands. Track the situation in our life.

7.36 a.m.: Presidential election in Brazil: Christophe Ventura, Research Director at IRIS, shares the general astonishment at the small gap between outgoing President Jair Bolsonaro and ex-President Lula, which, however, constitutes a big favorite. “It points to a scenario that is going to get complicated.” https://t.co/apLnPx8jTU

07:56: The small gap between Lula and outgoing far-right President Jair Bolsonaro surprised everyone. Christophe Ventura, research director at Iris and specialist in Brazil, does not hide it. “The scenario will be complicated,” he predicts. “This will force Lula to negotiate with two other candidates we haven’t heard from [Simone Tebet, du MDB du centre droit, et Ciro Gomes, du PDT, centre gauche]who together made up about 7%, and have a key to voting because it’s a centre-centre-right electorate”.

6.20 a.m .: “The fight continues until the final victory,” said former left-wing President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. “We will win this election,” said the man who is trying to win a third term.

6.18 a.m.: “We have defeated the lies” of the polls, welcomed Jair Bolsorano and expressed optimism about the second round, which is scheduled to take place on October 30.

6.17 a.m .: If Lula faces Jair Bolsonaro, the result is disappointing for the icon of the Brazilian left. Polls put it well ahead of the outgoing president (50% vs. 36%). The most recent survey by the benchmark institute Datafolha gave the former left-wing president a lead of 14 points on Saturday evening.

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