Bolsonaro Wins Israeli Polls Lula wins in Palestine Total

Bolsonaro Wins Israeli Polls; Lula wins in Palestine | Total NPC Total NPC

President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) has won the first round of elections in Israel, a country which, alongside the US under Donald Trump, was his biggest political partner earlier this year close, as some currents believe that only the founding of Israel will make Christ’s return possible.

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There, Bolsonaro had 45.97% of valid votes, compared to 39.36% for the PT. Despite this, the President lost support: in 2018 he won with 66.55% ahead of Fernando Haddad (PT) who had 6.8%.

In Palestine, the vote in Ramallah was overwhelmingly proLula: 84.8% to 7.4%. It reflects both Bolsonaro’s proIsrael policies and the PT’s historical closeness to the Palestine Liberation Organization.

Lula also wins in Australia and New Zealand

Ballot boxes released by Brazilians living abroad show the election results for the Presidency of the Republic in different countries, although not in an official way, since the final release is made by the TSE (Supreme Electoral Tribunal) from 5 p.m.

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Abroad there is only the election of the President of the Republic. In Brazil, the positions of the federal deputy, state deputy, senator and governor are also voted on.

The first place to open and close voting was Wellington, the capital of New Zealand, which is 16 hours ahead of Brazil in the time zone.

ExPresident Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) received 329 out of a total of 458 votes, according to the ballot box posted in the Brazilian embassy, ​​and “wins” in the country with 71 percent. President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) had 71 votes.

at Australia, Lula was also the one who got the most votes. According to SBS, Australia’s public broadcaster, Lula won 3,672 votes to Bolsonaro’s 1,917 a 54.8% to 28% split.

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SBS said that of the 15,390 voters eligible to vote in Australia’s first round, 44% went to the polls a total of 6,785 people.

Ballot boxes in Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Canberra and Perth showed the PT victory.

Queues are recorded in European cities. The movement of Brazilians towards the embassies has led to long queues in several European cities, according to reports published on social networks.

* with Igor Giellow

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