AMLO is asking for the consultation to be mandatory without

AMLO is asking for the consultation to be mandatory without reaching 40% participation

AMLO is asking for the consultation to be mandatory without reaching 40% participation

AMLO is asking for the consultation to be mandatory without reaching 40% participation

The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) has asked the next President to commit to holding the Citizens’ Consultation for the revocation of the mandate, Although this activity does not reach 40% of citizen participation to be binding.

The President repeated this 15 million citizens voted for the continuation in office while pledging not to be re-elected at the end of his term.

Through a video shared on social networks, the President pointed out that the Constitution provides for revocation is only binding if a participation of 40% is reached of the electoral roll, which currently includes 92.8 million Mexicans.

“Even without that, if you lose in a consultation, you have to resign because you can’t govern without the support of the people, you can’t govern without moral authority, because if you don’t have moral authority, you don’t have political authority have authority, the consultation does not make binding that 40% participation is not achieved, the ruler must be ashamed, he must have dignity and not be coerced, because that is not democracy, that is legality, but not necessarily democracy,” said President López Obrador in his video.

AMLO thanked the citizens who voted

Likewise, in the message, the President thanked the people who had taken part in this democratic exercise and urged conservatives to reflect.

“Love is paid for with love and I will never betray the people of Mexico, I will not lie, I will not steal, I will not betray the people, I will stay and we will continue to transform our country,” he declared.

The President described the dismissal referendum as “a complete success” and compared the number with votes in his favor in the consultation, with the alleged electoral fraud of 2006 and acknowledged that He received more support now than when he ran for president in 2012.

“That is, more than what Calderón received fraudulently in 2006, and also more than what I received in 2012, and more than what Anaya received in the last presidential election, he has 12 million 610 thousand on second place and José Antonio Meade in third place 9 million received 289,000,” he hinted.

When will Andrés Manuel López Obrador leave the presidency?

AMLO is asking for the consultation to be mandatory without reaching 40% participation

The President will be able to complete his term of office

Since the Citizens’ consultation on the revocation of the mandate favored the President, he must complete his term. Andrés Manuel López Obrador took office on July 1, 2018, and since the presidential term in Mexico is 6 years, President AMLO must leave office by 2024.

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