Russia rejects ruthless US rule

1648225713 433 They have declared a hybrid and all out war on Russia

Russia’s special operation in Ukraine aims to end the ruthless track record of total US dominance in the world, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Monday.

“Our special military operation is designed to put an end to the reckless expansion and reckless course of total domination by the United States, and under it by the rest of the Western countries, in the international arena.

A rule built in flagrant violation of international law, according to rules that are only now being repeatedly and timely developed,” Lavrov said in an interview with Russia 24.

The Russian foreign minister also condemned the statements by the head of European diplomacy Josep Borrell that there was no alternative to a military solution to the Ukraine conflict.

On the other hand, the Russian Defense Ministry announced on Monday that the neo-Nazi leader of the radical group Pravy Séktor, Taras Bobánich, was eliminated by Moscow Army troops.

In a statement, the military ministry said: “A Russian task force eliminated one of the vile leaders of the so-called Ukrainian Pravy Séktor Volunteer Corps, Taras Bobanich, during reconnaissance and search operations five kilometers south of the city of Izium.”

According to the Russian high command, ringleader Bobánich, who began his militancy in 2013 in the neo-fascist group Pravy Séktor, is responsible for the heavy weapon bombings in Donetsk and Lugansk.

These terrorist actions led to a negative record of “hundreds of civilian deaths in the People’s Republics, including children” based on a fundamentalist Nazi ideology based on the alleged supremacy of the Ukrainian race.

In this sense, the terrorist leader is also guilty of promoting Russophobia and even carrying out massive attacks on the Russian population residing in Ukrainian territory, since he has been involved in Kiev’s violent interventions in Donbass since 2014.

At the same time, the Ministry of Defense stated that “Russian armed forces will continue to search for the leaders of Ukrainian neo-Nazi organizations and eliminate them,” taking into account the high number of casualties, of which the Russian population accounts for a high percentage.

On the other hand, the head of the Defense Management Center, Colonel-General Mijaíl Mizíntsev, assured that Ukraine was preparing massacres of civilians in order to hold the Russian armed forces accountable in this regard.