They discover a malignant tumor in Cristy Nodal Christian Nodals

They discover a “malignant tumor” in Cristy Nodal, Christian Nodal’s mother, and reveal her state of health | Famous

The interpreter’s mother took to Instagram to share her status with her followers via a text and photo of her in a hospital room.

Christian Nodal’s mother reveals his state of health

This was announced by Cristy Nodal on the night of Sunday, April 10th a “malignant tumor” was found.

“Thank you God for this chance at life! I know that many people are praying for my health, for which I thank you from the bottom of my heart!” he began.

I went a month without being able to eatI didn’t have any strength and everything went wrong every time,” he continued of the symptoms he had been feeling without noticing any improvement.

“I’ve had countless studies,” he added, “but yesterday we got the news, (that) had a malignant tumor in the colon and they had to operate right away, but I never lost faith!”

“Before they took the final test, by the grace of God, when they checked it again, they saw that My colon was in perfect condition leaves the doctors stunned! ‘One case in a thousand,’ that’s what they said,” he revealed.

Miracles exist! Endless thanks for each of your prayers to my family and my parents who don’t let go of your hand,” he concluded, “God exists and is infinitely good!”

However, the singer’s mother did not provide any further information, since she has been worried about her health again since April 3rd, of which she is hermetic.

That day, she posted a message thanking her three children (Christian, Amely and Alonso) and her husband Jaime González.

Likewise He confessed that he had “fought for three years.”: “Today I realize that my strength was no longer sufficient.”

Christian Nodal’s mother’s health: from secrecy to ‘miracle’

For a little over a year Cristy Nodal’s medical condition has been handled with absolute mystery. Since February 2021, speculation began around her.

It is not clear whether his health has been specifically affected since then by the colon tumor that was discovered.

At that time, he made a change in appearance that drew attention by keeping his hair very short. She explained that it was due to her health, but did not explain what was wrong with her.

“With all faith in my heart I am here today, may my father God be the one to guide my doctor’s hands,” he wrote on the occasion.

Among the versions that ran was that he had been diagnosed with some type of cancer, but there was no official family version.

The only public information about his health was what Christian Nodal himself disclosed in November 2018 The fat and the thin. There he said that as a child he saw how his mother suffered from epileptic seizures.

Christian Nodal has not commented on his mother’s health after the publication she made on the night of Sunday 10th.
