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López Obrador is confirmed as President of Mexico, according to a preliminary sample in citizens’ consultations

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The presidential adviser of the National Electoral Institute of Mexico (INE), Lorenzo Córdova, announced this Sunday the preliminary results of the consultation on the revocation of the mandate to determine whether or not Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) should continue as president of the Latin American country .
According to the data presented – based on the preliminary sample – the citizen turnout is estimated at between 17% and 18.2% of the more than 92 million Mexican citizens who make up the nominal list of voters, which is between 15.7 and 16, 8 million equals voters.

The preliminary count showed that between 90.3% and 91.9% of voters support López Obrador’s continued presidency, that is between 14.2 and 15.9 million voters.

Meanwhile, between 6.4% and 7.8% of voters opted for the option of revoking AMLO’s presidential mandate, and between 1.6% and 2.1% annulled their vote.

The sample used for the preliminary results consisted of 1,830 cells in a study with a 95% confidence level, according to Córdova, who said the official results will be announced tomorrow.

The adviser also noted that he respects the decision of those who chose not to vote (just over 80% of voters) and to abstain from voting on this first cancellation notice.

He said that despite the obstacles imposed, the INE had given good reports on the organization of that day, developed with a technical rigor that allowed the 92.8 million Mexicans to be guaranteed a vote in the elections. “The INE, with the help of the citizens, has returned to meet Mexico,” said the president of the autonomous body.

(With information from La Jornada and Sputnik)