Military EU ends operation in Mali for now

Military – EU ends operation in Mali for now

For now, the European Union is ending its military training mission in the West African state of Mali. The announcement was made by EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell on Monday following a meeting of foreign ministers in Luxembourg. The Austrian Armed Forces are involved in the EU EUTM training mission and the UN MINUSMA mission with a total of around 90 soldiers. EUTM was last led by Austrian Brigadier Christian Riener.

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) is expected in the country on Tuesday night. More recently, around 300 German soldiers trained members of the Malian army to fight militias and terrorist groups as part of the mission.

Borrell said there were “insufficient assurances” that the Russian mercenary group Wagner would not intervene in the conflict. However, the EU wants to continue to engage in Mali’s neighboring countries in the Sahel.

The German Bundeswehr is also supporting the UN peacekeeping mission Minusma with around 1,000 Bundeswehr troops in Mali, which aims to stabilize the country and protect the civilian population. Germany wants to know what future this mission has, Borrell said. (apa/afp)