Mariupol the embassy of the Ukrainian Marines As soon as

Mariupol, the embassy of the Ukrainian Marines: “As soon as we run out of supplies and surround ourselves, we prepare for the final battle”

“We’ve kept defense reasonable by doing the impossible. But all resources tend to run out.” This is the appeal to the Ukrainian people that appeared on the Facebook page of the 36th Separate Marine Brigade named after Rear Admiral Mikhail Bilinsky, who is fighting in Mariupol. “After 47 days of defense of Mariupol, the brigade’s resources are exhausted,” the marines write. To report the circumstance, ‘Strana.Ua.’ taken from Ria Novosti.

The news adds that “for more than a month, the Marines fought without ammunition, without food and without water.” The infantry “is dead” and now “gunners, antiaircraft gunners, signalmen, drivers and cooks are fighting”. “Today there will likely be extreme combat” and “more handtohand combat”, another “death for some and imprisonment for others”.

Then the direct appeal to citizenship: “Dear Ukrainians, I don’t know what will happen next, but please remember the Marines with a kind word and no matter how events develop, don’t badmouth the Marines.” Volunteer of the first DUKPS attack company Alina Mikhailova confirmed the fact, denying rumors circulating on the Internet that this publication was “the result of a hacker”.

The Ukrainian army is preparing for what is likely to be the “final battle” for Mariupol in the southeast of the country, which has been besieged by the Russian army for more than 40 days. “Today will probably be the last battle as our ammunition is running low. It will mean death for some of us and imprisonment for others, the 36th Marine Brigade wrote on Facebook.
“We’re slowly disappearing,” the appeal to Ukrainians continues, “we don’t know what’s going to happen, but we really ask you to remember us with a kind word.” “For more than a month we have been fighting without ammunition supplies, without food, without water,” “doing the possible and the impossible,” the military said in its appeal.

The brigade’s criticism of the army commander and President Volodymyr Zelenskyy: “During more than 40 days of intense fighting, the enemy gradually pushed us back, surrounded us and is now trying to destroy us. There were only unfulfilled promises, the military in Mariupol denounced.

The proRussian separatists in Donetsk have announced that “the port of Mariupol has been liberated. Russian news agency Tass reports on this announcement by Denis Pushilin, leader of the armed forces of the selfproclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic: “Regarding the port of Mariupol is now under our control.

But the CommanderinChief of the Armed Forces of Kyiv, General Valeriy Zaluzhnyi, says in a statement on Facebook: “Communication with the Defense Forces units heroically resisting in the city is being kept stable the general wrote we are doing everything possible and that Impossible for the victory and protection of the life of the military and civilians. Have faith in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.