Defector Media destroys WrestleMania 38 in several key metrics

Defector Media destroys WrestleMania 38 in several key metrics

WWE promoted this year’s edition of WrestleMania as “The Most Amazing Two Nights In History” with the headline “The Greatest WrestleMania Match Ever!” So it’s no surprise that after a pretty good show they touted the event as a monstrous success , apparently even bigger than the largest annual television event in the United States.

According to WWE, which broke this news in one of the least detailed reports you’ll ever see, they kicked butt at the Super Bowl this year during their roughly eight-hour program last weekend.

Here is the quoted report – I must stress – in its entirety:

WrestleMania 38 beat Super Bowl LVI with 2.2 billion social media impressions for the WWE versus 1.8 billion impressions for the NFL.

WWE won in video views with WrestleMania at 1.1 billion vs. Super Bowl at 618 million.

WWE won in engagements with WrestleMania at 87 million vs. Super Bowl at 78 million.

WWE won in video watch time with WrestleMania at 13.1 million hours versus Super Bowl at 3.56 million hours.

Source: Conviva

So WrestleMania is bigger than the Super Bowl when it comes to metrics as specific as engagements and social media impressions. One cannot contradict that. But what if I told you there was something bigger out there than WrestleMania 38?

That’s right, I’m talking about Defector Media, which wipes the floor with WrestleMania and with it the Super Bowl in many more important metrics. Sounds crazy right? Well, you must believe it won’t get any bigger than after seeing these numbers:

  • Defector Media has published 4,426 blogs and counting. Meanwhile, footage from the WrestleMania 38 broadcast shows no evidence of blogs being posted.
  • Defector Media has sent out 440 newsletters since its inception. WrestleMania 38 did not have newsletters as part of its schedule.
  • Defector Media has sold hundreds of items of David Roth Merch. On the other hand, sources tell Defector that WWE did not sell any David Roth merch at WrestleMania 38.
  • Defector Media’s Luis Paez-Pumar achieved a winning score of 15,000 points in the most recent edition of Defector Thursday Night Trivia. WrestleMania 38’s high score on Trivia is 0.
  • The online NCAA Tournament’s “Defector Sickos & Pals” bracket group had over 550 entries. WrestleMania 38 had zero online bracket entries.
  • Located in the Defector Media office are two bobbleheads of former or current New York Mets players. WrestleMania 38 didn’t devote any time to the New York Mets bobbleheads.
  • Defector Media’s podcast, Normal Gossip, has been listened to over 500,000 times in its short history. WrestleMania 38 does not have a podcast called Normal Gossip.
  • Since the beginning of 2022, Defector employees have typed the phrase “Mackinac Island” a total of 16 times in the company Slack. WrestleMania 38 didn’t even mention Mackinac Island.
  • Defector Media’s work includes at least six appearances by Jon Moxley. WrestleMania 38 had zero appearances from Jon Moxley.

And finally, most important of all, Defector Media routed WrestleMania 38 in the most important of the key metrics: number of mousetraps tapped by human workers. While the Defector Media staff has tapped into nine mousetraps over the past two weeks, WrestleMania 38 couldn’t…wait…hold on…what was that?

Defector Media destroys WrestleMania 38 in several key metrics

You win this round, Vince.