Historic consultation day on the revocation of the mandate in

Historic consultation day on the revocation of the mandate in Mexico

More than 92 million Mexicans are called to vote this Sunday, April 10, in the consultation to revoke the executive branch’s mandate. The historic referendum was possible after federal law was passed in September 2021.

The National Electoral Institute (INE) will install a total of 57,517 voting booths across the country’s 32 states. Citizens can go to the polling stations from 08:00 in the morning and the closure is scheduled for 06:00 in the afternoon. In addition, more than 17,000 Mexican expatriates registered via the Internet electronic voting system to participate on the day.

The question

In each ballot box, ballot papers will be activated with the following question: do you agree that Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President of the United Mexican States, be relieved of his mandate for lack of confidence or that he remain President of the Republic? period ends?

Citizens have to choose between two possible answers:

That the mandate will be revoked due to a loss of confidence.
That he continues in the Presidency of the Republic.

The INE enabled more than 287,000 citizens to receive and count the votes at the polling station, while a total of 4,400 people will observe the day, including 98 foreign visitors who have been accredited by the Electoral Authority.

number of votes

Once the polling booths are closed, the election packets will be sent to the INE’s 300 district councils to begin the legal counting of votes. At the same time, the rapid counting system is activated, taking a sample of 1,800 boxes to provide “a reliable estimate of attendance”.

On the eve of the day, INE reported that the results of the quick count could be released from 09:00 at night during a meeting of the Institute’s General Council.

The final voting results will be announced the day after the day, that is Monday 11 April.

Participation required

For the voting result to be valid and for the motion to revoke the board mandate to be binding, at least 40% of the people entered in the list of nominal voters must participate. This implies more than 37.1 million votes.