Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson First photo as a couple

Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson: First photo as a couple

are almost over 4 months since Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson started dating as a couple. There are many small details that showed that the businesswoman and the comedian were together and became increasingly clear. Like when Pete called Kim his “girlfriend” in an interview. However, one small detail was missing; There was no picture of them on Kim’s Instagram profile. And since we’re in the social media era, and even more so when we’re talking about Kim Kardashian, one of the most influential people on Instagram today (she has more than 290 million followers on Instagram), we can say that if we don’t It gives a photo that romance does not exist.

Kim and Pete: their first official couple photo

Finally, a few weeks ago, Kardashian uploaded a photo gallery in which one of them featured Davidson. This implied that they were together and that they recognized him as such. But fans of the couple, we missed something more obvious and romantic, and that’s exactly what happened today. Kim shared a few photos of the two of them in a restaurant in a very loving attitude on her IG profile. Based on the clothes they’re wearing, we’re assuming these photos were taken on the same day as the presentation event for new reality show ‘The Kardashians’, which will premiere in Spain on April 14 on Disney+. In the same act, Kim spoke candidly and for springtime about her boyfriend, Pete Davidson. Speaking about the show, his family said in an interview with Medium Variety: “Viewers of the new ‘reality’ will see how we met and who contacted whom, how it all happened and what details they want to know. I’m definitely open to sharing and I’ll explain,” the celebrity said at the photocall for The Kardashians’ presentation.

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