Germany goes on vacation ten days after the flood Family

Germany goes on vacation ten days after the flood: Family Minister Anne Spiegel (Verdi) resigns

The German family minister Anne Spiegel (Verdi) gave the resignation “In order not to harm the Office, which has to face great challenges”. He had received heavy criticism to go in Vacation in France for only four weeks ten days later the flood of the Ahr MidJuly 2021, when she was Environment Minister and Deputy Governor of the State of RhinelandPalatinate. In addition, she had been criticized for some Chat with his associates revealing how after the disaster that took their lives across the country, a 134 peopleit really was concerned to protect his picture politics. Finally, a parliamentary commission of inquiry in RhinelandPalatinate is working to clarify whether the environment ministry could have done so Just sound the alarm the day of the disaster.

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Almost four months after the investiture was withdrawn from the hands of the President Frank Walter Steinmeier, The 41yearold from the Greens could not resist criticism. Most recently, the attack by the leader of the opposition Friedrich Merz (CDU), who had publicly asked for his resignation from the podium of a television talk show. On Monday he had publicly asked for it with a forward flight forgiveness for his behavior and assured that he had still fought against all of his own political commitments and revealed that she had been overwhelmed by the charge of the engagements family members. The husband had one stroke in March 2019 and the four young children suffered lockdown She herself had not given up her candidacy for her party in the regional council because of the pandemic and had to fill two new cabinet posts as a result.

The pressure was too strong and it wasn’t enough that the President of the Greens Omid Nouripour covered her back by saying: “Anne Spiegel admitted Mistake with a transparency and openness which was unprecedented in political life “. The Secretary General of the CSU Mayr, while acknowledging the remarkable apology, he insisted the minister was not telling the truth. He claimed to have attended on video since the holidays at government meetings, but in fact he was alone represented by one of the two state secretaries. That’s what the state governor of RhinelandPalatinate does Malu Dreyer (SPD) has legally defined it.

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Chancellor Olaf scholz (Spd) took note of the decision to resign “with great respect”. After the public apology from green politics, he emphasized how she had always worked in the government great confidence formally granting her indirect support, he noted that Anne Spiegel’s statement affected him personally. The Environment Minister of the State of North RhineWestphalia, Ursula HeinenEsser (CDU) On April 7th he had already had to give it up resignation for his behavior after the Ahr flood he cost the lives of 49 people in his own country. She had come back Majorcawhere she has a second home, had just returned there the day after the disaster two days later Pretending to take their little daughter with them, but really celebrating date of birth her husband. The scandal is also picking up other politicians who went for his birthday. On May 15, just a week after SchleswigHolstein, North RhineWestphalia will vote on the renewal of the federal government Parliament.

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