1665194240 Kidnapped by family friends while on vacation Susan Gervaise is

Kidnapped by family friends while on vacation, Susan Gervaise is reunited with her siblings after 53 years

Susan Gervaise found her siblings 53 years after she was kidnapped by some family friends who had promised her a Disney World vacation. The fake parents told her they adopted her as a child.

Kidnapped by family friends while on vacation Susan Gervaise is

Susan Gervaise was able to find her family 53 years after her abduction in 1969. At the time, Gervaise was 4 years old and was vacationing with some family friends at Disney World amusement park in Orlando, Florida. However, the family he was traveling with never made it to the United States. Instead, he packed her and let her travel between Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Over the years, the fake parents have always told her that they adopted her when she was very young.

The biological family never stopped searching for her, although they had lost hope of finding her alive. The unexpected reunion, on the other hand, took place thanks to a call from Susan’s husband on Facebook. The man told Susan’s story online: His wife found out about her kidnapping when she was about to renew her passport.

Here they revealed to her that her parents had never adopted her and that there was no document on the matter. In fact, Susan had no identity. The only thing he had with him was his birth certificate.

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Susan Gervaise and her brothers

Susan Gervaise and her brothers

“The family who kidnapped me had asked my mother to take me to Disneyland – the woman said after being reunited with her four biological brothers, who immediately responded to the announcement on Facebook. She lived in Scotland and said it was possible her well. . My mother, on the other hand, she could not feed us all and was happy to offer me this opportunity. She accepted the proposal of this family and gave her my documents”.

According to Susan, the two “adoptive parents” had two other children with them. “They probably wanted a girl – he said –. For years we have traveled the world. What I thought was that my mother died when I was 10, but I never lacked in affection: we were a traveling community and I felt loved. I’ve been happy over the years. But now I want to catch up the lost time with my real family.