White House spokesman called Trump a nasty scary pig because

White House spokesman called Trump a “nasty, scary pig” because he praised Putin

White House Deputy Spokesman Andrew Bates killed the former president Donald Trump for praising the Russian president for days Vladimir Putin.

“Two nasty, scary pigs who hate what America stands for and whose every move is driven by their own weakness and insecurity are rubbing their muzzles against each other and celebrating that innocent people are losing their lives,” Bates tweeted from his official government official. account on thursday morning.

Bates shared an article about Trump telling the crowd in Mar-a-Lago on Wednesday night – when Putin launched his attack on Ukraine – that the Russian leader was “quite smart”.

Russia launched a war against Ukraine on Thursday night, with Ukrainian authorities already indicting hundreds of victims. By Thursday afternoon, the Ukrainian army was fighting Russians in almost every part of the country – including Chernobyl, which could have widespread environmental consequences.

Former President Donald Trump Russian President Vladimir Putin

White House Deputy Spokesman Andrew Bates punches former President Donald Trump (left) for praising Russian President Vladimir Putin (right) for days

Bates called Trump and Putin

Bates called Trump and Putin “two nasty and cowardly pigs” and said they “rub their muzzles together and celebrate while innocent people lose their lives.”

White House Deputy Spokesman Andrew Bates

White House Deputy Spokesman Andrew Bates

The deadly attack did not change Trump’s view of his attitude toward Russia and Ukraine.

“He is taking over the country in exchange for $ 2 in sanctions. I would say that’s pretty smart, “the former president said at his Florida resort, according to a recording. from The New York Times.

“He’s taking over a country, a really huge, vast place, a great piece of land with a lot of people just coming in,” Trump added.

Trump has been making such laudatory comments about Putin for days.

On Tuesday, Trump told podcast Buck Sexton that he thought Putin’s declaration of two parts of Ukraine as “independent” was “brilliant.”

“I came in yesterday and there was a TV screen and I said, ‘That’s brilliant,'” Trump said. “Putin declares a large part of Ukraine – from Ukraine – Putin declares it independent. Oh, that’s wonderful.

“I said, ‘How smart is that?'” The former US president said continue. “And he will come in and be a peacemaker.” This is the strongest peaceful force … We can use this on our southern border. This is the strongest peacekeeping force I have ever seen. There were more army tanks than I saw. They will keep the peace well.

“No, but think about it.” Here is a man who is very understanding, “Trump continued. “I know him very well.” Very, very, very good. If I were in office, even unthinkable, this would never have happened.

1645720326 965 White House spokesman called Trump a nasty scary pig because Ukrainian military vehicles pass by Independence Square in central Kiev as cities across the country have been hit by Russian missile strikes and artillery, according to Ukrainian authorities

Ukrainian military vehicles pass by Independence Square in central Kiev as cities across the country have been hit by Russian missile strikes and artillery, according to Ukrainian authorities

Trump added: “But here’s a man who says, you know, ‘I’m going to declare much of Ukraine independent,’ he uses the word ‘independent’ and ‘we’re going to go in and out.’ and we will help keep the peace. You have to say that it is quite understandable. And do you know what Biden’s response was? There was no answer. They didn’t have one for that. No, it’s very sad. Very sad.’

Trump also called Biden “a man who has no idea what he’s doing.”

Later on Tuesday, White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki responded to Trump.

“As a matter of policy, we try not to take advice from anyone who praises President Putin and his military strategy, which I think is what happened there,” Psaki said at a briefing on Tuesday when asked to respond to comments made earlier in Trump. The day.

She pointed out the comments Trump reportedly did to the leaders of the G7 in 2018, when the former president already said that Crimea, which was annexed by Russia after the invasion in 2014, is part of Russia because everyone there speaks Russian.

He said Trump had “expressed openness” to lifting sanctions on Russia over the 2014 invasion.

“So there are a little different tactics, a little different approach, and that’s probably why President Biden, not his predecessor, managed to unite the world and the world community in taking steps against Russian aggression,” Psaki said.

Asked if there were fears that comments like Trump’s could lead to Ukraine’s support becoming a more party issue among the American public, she pointed to the Republican Party.

“You know, I think it depends on the members of the Republican Party to make the decision, to make the decision,” she told DailyMail.com.

“There is a long history, decades of history of which President Biden was a part, when he was chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, of defending the efforts of any country to occupy the territory of another country, of defending the efforts of the United States to gather global support against inappropriate and illegal actions by another country, “she continued. “There is a long history of this, not in a partisan way – in a partisan way.”

“And it certainly depends on the Republicans to … determine,” she added.