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Adriana Volpe and Hell at Home, ‘Threats of the Former’ Chronicle

“He insulted and threatened me, even in the presence of the child. I lived in panic, I no longer recognized the man I married and fell in love with. He said to me: ‘I’m going to ruin you, me will destroy you.’ “.
This is what TV presenter Adriana Volpe said in a court in Rome, the victim of the trial in which ex-husband Roberto Parli is accused of family abuse: a marriage that turned into hell during the pandemic, made up for by threats, insults, insults.
After Volpe reported the man, he was banned from approaching him. In June 2021, the two then separated. In the courtroom, the presenter described a happy marriage that later became a nightmare. “We had a solid relationship, he was a wonderful father and a husband who was present even if he was far away – explained Volpe before the judges of the fifth collegiate division – Then, with my entry into the house of Big Brother Vip, in January 2020, It is the crisis that began. Upon hearing the news of the pandemic, I voluntarily quit the game on March 19 after being informed that Parli’s father was ill. My father, while I was still at Big Brother, noticed that my husband had changed, who was withdrawing huge amounts of money from my account, 22,000 euros in one month. In the months that followed, he told me that he had entered a tunnel, he had lost money through online investments”. From then on, according to the woman’s story, the abuses. “He started saying even in front of my parents : ‘I will destroy this woman’, ‘I will take away the child and she will never see her again'”, said Volpe.
The presenter left the gf’s house and joined her husband and child in Switzerland. “He started threatening me, saying he was going to take the child away from me and took my documents and those of the child with him. Throughout 2021 we have experienced moments of panic.”
His defense attorney, attorney Laura Corbetta, said of the defendant’s position: “He’s a father who was always present. At the moment he has no contact with his daughter because of the ban on approaching her, not even by telephone, a measure ordered after the ex-wife complained. Complaints that were also filed in Switzerland. We submitted two revocation requests for this measure, one of which was contested. “.



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