A US government report ranks the Cuban regime among the

A US government report ranks the Cuban regime among the top human rights abusers

The US signaled to this Tuesday Havana along with Moscow, Managua and Beijing in its annual report human rightsin which he expressed his concern about the torture, executions and repression in these countries, EFE agency reported.

The State Department document released today, which refers to 2021, It serves as a guide for the US Congress in determining the amount of foreign aid it provides to each nation.

In a press conference, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned that Washington had seen each other last year a deterioration in the human rights situation and a continuation of the rise of authoritarianism in many parts of the world.

In the section dedicated to Cuba, The report recalls that in July last year “the biggest protests in decades to “call for an end to repression” and recalled that many demonstrators were arrested and imprisoned in “cruel” conditions, while others had to go into exile.

“Government officials, by order of their superiors, committed the worst human rights violations‘ the State Department noted in its report.

In the Ukraine chapter, the Foreign Ministry blamed the Moscow-backed forces after committing “widespread” acts of violence against the civilian population of the Donbass region in 2021where the Kremlin has supported pro-Russian militias since 2014.

Regarding Nicaragua, the US highlighted that President Daniel Ortega was subsequently “conferred a fourth consecutive term” in November’s elections. “Arbitrarily detain nearly 40 opposition figures”.

In addition, he stated that the government of this country is proceeding without investigation or prosecution Authorities committing human rights abusesincluding “the 355 murders and hundreds of missing people” during the 2018 protests.

Regarding China, The Foreign Ministry condemned indiscriminate killings by the Chinese governmentand enforced disappearances, cases of torture and mass arrests of minorities.

The annual report of the State Ministry examines the human rights situation in around 198 countries and territories of the world but not the United States.